в журналах индексируемых Web of Science
Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I.S. Lomskaya, I.M. Kotina,
V.N.Muratova, N.V. Niyazova, M.V. Trushin, and E.A. Chmel’, Precision
Measurement of 144Ce–144Pr Beta Spectrum by Means of Semiconductor
Spectrometer, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2022, Vol. 85, No. 6, pp.
2. N.V. Bazlov, E.F. Bubnov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, D.V. Ivanov,
O.I. Konkov, I.M. Kotina, M.S. Mikulich, V.N. Muratova, N.V. Niyazova,
D.A. Semenov, M.V. Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov, and E.A. Chmel, Compact
Calibration Source of Neutrons on the Basis of the 252Cf Radionuclide
and a Silicon Semiconductor Detector, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2022,
Vol. 85, No. 6, pp. 931–935
3. I.E. Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, N.V. Bazlov, E.A. Chmel, A.V. Derbin,
I.S. Drachnev, I.M. Kotina, M.S. Mikulich, V.N. Muratova, N.V.
Niyazova, D.A. Semonov, M.V. Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov, 4π spectrometer of
β-decay electrons with Si(Li)-detectors, Nucl. Instrum. Meth.A 1051
(2023) 168242
4. P.Agnes et al., (DarkSide Coll.), Search for Dark Matter Particle
Interactions with Electron Final States with DarkSide-50, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 130 (2023) 10, 101002
5. P.Agnes et al., (DarkSide Coll.), Search for Dark-Matter–Nucleon
Interactions via Migdal Effect with DarkSide-50, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130
(2023) 10, 101001
6. P.Agnes et al., (DarkSide Coll.), Search for low-mass dark matter
WIMPs with 12 ton-day exposure of DarkSide-50, Phys. Rev. D 107 (2023)
6, 063001
7. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide-50 coll.), Search for low mass dark
matter in DarkSide-50: the bayesian network approach, Eur. Phys. J. C
(2023) 83:322
8. E. Aaron et al., (DarkSide-20k coll.), Measurement of isotopic
separation of argon with the prototype of the cryogenic distillation
plant Aria for dark matter searches, Eur. Phys. J. C (2023) 83:453
9. D. Basilico et al.,(Borexino coll.), Borexino’s search for
low-energy neutrinos associated with gravitational wave events from
GWTC-3 database, Eur. Phys. J. C (2023) 83:538
10. А.В.Дербин, И.С.Драчнев, В.Н.Муратова, Д.А.Семенов, М.В.Трушин,
Е.В.Унжаков, Поиск солнечных аксионов с энергией 8.4 кэВ, излучаемых в
М1-переходе ядер 169Tm, Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 118, вып. 3, с. 154 – 158
11. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.), Methodology Used in Borexino
for the Identification of Cosmogenic Long-Time Decay Background, AIP
Conf.Proc. 2908 (2023) 1, 090002
12. D. Basilico et al., (Borexino coll.), Recent results from Borexino
on solar neutrinos, EPJ Web of Conferences, 290, 04001 (2023)
13. А.В. Дербин, И.С. Драчнев, И.М. Котина, В.Н. Муратова, Н.В.
Ниязова, Д.А. Семенов,М.В. Трушин, Е.В. Унжаков, Измерение спектра
электронных антинейтрино ядра 144Ce−144Pr при помощи полупроводниковых
спектрометров, Письма вЖТФ, 2023, том 49, вып. 24, стр.3-5
14. D. Basilico et al., (Borexino coll.), Final results of Borexino on
CNO solar neutrinos, Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023) 10, 102005
препринты и т.п.
P.Agnes et al., (DarkSide-50 coll.), Search for low mass dark matter in
DarkSide-50: the bayesian network approach, arXiv: 2302.01830
2. E. Aaron et al., (DarkSide-20k coll.), Study on cosmogenic
activation above ground for the DarkSide-20k project, arXiv: 2301.12970
3. E. Aaron et al., (DarkSide-20k coll.), Measurement of isotopic
separation of argon with the prototype of the cryogenic distillation
plant Aria for dark matter searches, arXiv: 2301.09639
4. N.V. Bazlov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I. M. Kotina, O. I. Konkov,
I. S. Lomskaya, M.S. Mikulich, V.N. Muratova, D.A. Semenov, M.V.
Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov, Investigation of radiation hardness of silicon
semiconductor detectors under irradiation with fission products of
252Cf nuclide, arXiv:2301.05533v1
5. M. Pallavicini et al., (Borexino coll.), Electron neutrino survival
probability in the energy range 200 keV–15 MeV, The Sixteenth Marcel
Grossmann Meeting, pp. 2804-2814 (2023), DOI:
6. A. Caminata et al., (Borexino coll.), Borexino detector
performances, The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, pp. 2765-2773
(2023), DOI: 10.1142/9789811269776_0222
7. D. Guffanti et al., (Borexino coll.), Unveiling the engine of the
Sun: Measurements of the pp-chain solar neutrinos with Borexino, 16th
Marcel Grossmann Meeting, pp. 2785-2803 (2023)
8. B. Caccianiga et al., (Borexino coll.), Experimental detection of
the CNO cycle, 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, pp. 2753-2764 (2023),
DOI: 10.1142/9789811269776_0221
9. S. Zavatarelli et al., (Borexino coll.), Study of antineutrinos from
the Earth and the Cosmos with the Borexino detector, 16th Marcel
Grossmann Meeting, pp. 2774-2784 (2023), DOI:10.1142/9789811269776_0223
10. N. Rossi et al., (Borexino coll.), Update of the results on solar
neutrino physics exploiting the most recent Borexino data, PoS NOW-2022
(2023) 009, DOI: 10.22323/1.421.0009
10. D. Basilico et al., (Borexino coll.) Borexino's search for
low-energy neutrinos associated with gravitational wave events from
GWTC-3 database, arXiv: 2303.13876
11. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide-20k Coll.), Directionality of nuclear
recoils in a liquid argon time projection chamber, arXiv:2307.15454v1
12. D. Basilico et al., (Borexino coll.) Final results of Borexino on
CNO solar neutrinos, arXiv: 2307.14636
13. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide-50 coll.), Search for dark matter annual
modulation with DarkSide-50, arXiv: 2307.07249
14. D. Basilico et al., (Borexino coll.), Novel techniques for
alpha/beta pulse shape discrimination in Borexino, arXiv:2310.11826
15. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide-50 Coll.), Long-term temporal stability
of the DarkSide-50 dark matter detector, arXiv: 2311.18647
и выступления на конференциях и семинарах
1. А.В. Дербин, Отчет о
работе Отдела п/п ядерных детекторов в 2022 г., Научная сессия ОНИ ПИЯФ
НИЦ КИ, устный
2. А.В. Дербин, Регистрация солнечных CNO нейтрино в эксперименте
Borexino, Семинар ОФВЭ ПИЯФ НИЦ КИ, устный
3. И.С. Драчнев, Поиск резонансного поглощения солнечных аксионов
ядрами 83Kr, 17-е рабочее совещания Лаборатории сверхпроводниковой
наноэлектроники и Центра квантовых технологий Нижегородского ГТУ, устный
4. Е.В. Унжаков, Поиск солнечных аксионов с болометром на основе
Tm3Al5O12-кристалла, 17-е рабочее совещания Лаборатории
сверхпроводниковой наноэлектроники и Центра квантовых технологий
Нижегородского ГТУ, устный
5. И.С. Драчнев, The latest Borexino results on the CNO neutrino
studies, 21-я Международная Ломоносовская конференция по физике
элементарных частиц, Москва, 20-25 Август, 2023
6. В.Н. Муратова, Searches for the resonant absorption of solar axions
by atomic nuclei. Конференция по ядерной физике «ЯДРО-2023:
Фундаментальные вопросы и приложения», 9 - 13 октября 2023 года, Саров
7. А.В. Дербин, Регистрация солнечных CNO нейтрино в эксперименте
Borexino, Конференция по ядерной физике «ЯДРО-2023: Фундаментальные
вопросы и приложения», 9 - 13 октября 2023 года, Саров
8. Н.В. Ниязова, Измерение спектра электронных антинейтрино 144Ce-144Pr
при помощи полупроводниковых спектрометров, международная конференция
PhysicA.SPb/2023, С. Петербург, 23-25 октября 2023
9. Д.В. Иванов, "Поиск проявления космологических реликтовых нейтрино в
бета-спектре 210Bi", X Всероссийский с международным участием
Молодёжный научный форум «Open Science», г. Гатчина, 15-17 ноября 2023;
10. Д.В. Иванов, "Поиск проявления космологических реликтовых нейтрино
в бета-спектре 210Bi", Всероссийская студенческая конференция с
международным участием «Science and Practice», г. Санкт-Петербург,
22-24 ноября 2023.
11. E.Ф. Бубнов, " Прецизионные измерения электронных спектров в
присутствии интенсивного γ-фона ", X Всероссийский с международным
участием Молодёжный научный форум «Open Science», г. Гатчина, 15-17
ноября 2023;
12. E.Ф. Бубнов, " Разработка β- спектрометра для измерения электронных
спектров в присутствии интенсивного γ- фона ", Всероссийская
студенческая конференция с международным участием «Science and
Practice», г. Санкт-Петербург, 22-24 ноября 2023.
в журналах индексируемых Web of Science
1. M. Agostiniet
al.,(Borexino coll.), First Directional Measurement
of Sub-MeV Solar Neutrinos with Borexino, Phys.Rev.Lett. 128 (2022) 9,
2. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.), Correlated and integrated
directionality for sub-MeV solar neutrinos in Borexino, Phys.Rev.D 105
(2022) 5, 052002
3. Ю.М. Гаврилюк, А.Н. Гангапшев, A.В. Дербин, И.С. Драчнев, В.В.
Казалов, В.В. Кузьминов, М.С. Микулич, В.Н. Муратова, Д.А. Текуева,
Е.В. Унжаков, С.П.Якименко, Новые ограничения на константу связи
аксиона с электроном для солнечных аксионов, Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 116,
вып. 1, с. 13 – 19 (2022)
4. A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I.S. Lomskaya, V.N. Muratova, N.V.
Pilipenko, D.A. Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov, Precision Beta-Spectrum
Measurement of RaE with Semiconductor Spectrometers, Phys. Part. Nucl.
53, 2, 497 (2022)
5. I. Lomskaya et al., (Borexino Coll.), Search for Low-Energy
Borexino’s Signals Correlated with Gamma-Ray Bursts, Solar Flares and
Gravitational Wave Events, Phys. Part. Nucl. 53, 2, 255 (2022)
6. S. Zavatarelli et al., (Borexino Coll.), Geoneutrino Detection and
Other Non-Solar Neutrino Physics Achievements of Borexino, Moscow Univ.
Phys. Bull. 77 (2022) 2, 431-433
7. N. Rossi et al., (Borexino Coll.), First Detection of Solar
Neutrinos from the CNO Cycle with Borexino, Moscow Univ.Phys.Bull. 77
(2022) 2, 395-398
8. S. Appel et al., (Borexino Coll.), Improved Measurement of Solar
Neutrinos from the Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen Cycle by Borexino and Its
Implications for the Standard Solar Model, , Phys. Rev. Lett., 129,
252701 (2022)
9. S. Appel et al., (Borexino Coll.), Search for low-energy signals
from fast radio bursts with the Borexino detector, Eur. Phys. J. C 82
(2022) 3, 278
10. S. Appel et al., (Borexino Coll.), Independent determination of the
Earth’s orbital parameters with solar neutrinos in Borexino, Astropart.
Phys. 145 (2023) 102778
препринты и т.п.
1.S.V. Bakhlanov, N. V.
Bazlov, D.V. Danilov, A. V. Derbin, I. S. Drachnev, I. M. Kotina, O. I.
A.M. Kuzmichev, M.S. Mikulich, V. N. Muratova, M. V. Trushin, E. V.
Unzhakov, Influence
of alpha-particles irradiation on the performance and defect levels
of Al/SiO2/p-type Si surface barrier detector, arXiv:2101.03729
2. P.
Agnes et al.,
(DarkSide Coll.), Separating 39Ar from 40Ar by cryogenic distillation
with Aria
for dark matter searches, arXiv:2101.08686v2 [physics.ins-det] 23 Jan
3. A.
Abeln et al., (IAXO
Coll.), Axion search with BabyIAXO in view of IAXO, arXiv:2012.06634v1
[physics.ins-det] 11 Dec 2020
4. M.
Agostini et al.,
(Borexino Coll.), Identification of the cosmogenic 11C background in
volumes of liquid scintillators with Borexino, arXiv: 2106.10973
5. S.
Kumaran et al.,
(Borexino Coll.) The Low Polonium Field of Borexino and its
significance for
the CNO neutrino detection, arXiv: 2105.13209
6. G.
Settanta et al.,
(Borexino Coll.), First detection of CNO neutrinos with Borexino,
7. P.
Agnes et al.,
(DarkSide Coll.), Calibration of the liquid argon ionization response
to low
energy electronic and nuclear recoils with DarkSide-50, arXiv:
8. P.
Agnes et al.,
(DarkSide -50 Coll.), A study of events with photoelectric emission in
DarkSide-50 liquid argon Time Projection Chamber, arXiv: 2107.08015
9. M.
Agostini et al.,
(Borexino Coll.), First demonstration of directional measurement of
solar neutrinos in a liquid scintillator detector with Borexino , arXiv: 2109.04770
S. Appel et al.,
(Borexino Coll.), Search for Low-Energy Signals from Fast Radio Bursts
with the
Borexino Detector, arXiv: 2111.14500
M. Agostini et
al., (Borexino Coll.), First Directional Measurement of sub-MeV Solar
with Borexino, arXiv:2112.11816
и выступления на конференциях и семинарах
1. А.В.
Дербин, New
experiment searching for solar axions with Tm-containing cryogenic
16th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, 14-18 June, 2021
2. И.С.
Searches for Borexino signals associated with FRBs, Borexino General
21-22 June, LNGS, On-line
3. А.В.
Search for heavy sterile neutrinos in beta-decay of 144Pr nuclei “LXXI
International conference "NUCLEUS – 2021. Nuclear physics and
particle physics. Nuclear physics technologies", 20-25 Oct, St.
Petersburg, on-line
4. В.Н.
Precision measurements of 144Ce-144Pr beta-spectra with
“LXXI International conference "NUCLEUS – 2021. Nuclear physics and
elementary particle physics. Nuclear physics technologies"
, 20-25 Oct, St. Petersburg, on-line
5. М.С.
Degradation of Si-based detectors parameters under long-term
irradiation by
252Cf fission products at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures “LXXI
International conference "NUCLEUS – 2021. Nuclear physics and
particle physics. Nuclear physics technologies", 20-25 Oct, St.
Petersburg, on-line
6. I.S.
Lomskaya, I.E.
Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I.M. Kotina, M.S.
Mikulich, V.N. Muratova, N.V. Niyazova, D. A. Semenov, M.V. Trushin and
Unzhakov, 144Ce - 144Pr spectrum measurement with 4pi semiconductor
spectrometer, International Conference PhysicA. SPb/2021, 18-22 Oct
7. M.V.
Trushin, S.V.
Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, O.I. Konkov, I.M. Kotina, A.M.
Kuzmichev, I.S. Lomskaya, M.S. Mikulich, V.N. Muratova, N.V. Niyazova,
Semenov, and E.V. Unzhakov, Degradation of silicon detectors
long-term irradiation by 252Cf fission products, International
PhysicA. SPb/2021, 18-22 Oct 2021.
8. M.S.
Mikulich, S.V.
Bakhlanov, N.V. Bazlov, I.D. Chernobrovkin, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev,
Kotina, O.I. Konkov, A.M. Kuzmichev, V.N. Muratova, M.V. Trushin and
Unzhakov, Influence of α-particles irradiation on the properties and
performance of silicon semiconductor detectors, International
PhysicA. SPb/2021, 18-22 Oct 2021.
9. N.V.
Niyazova, I.E.
Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I. S. Drachnev, I. M. Kotina, A.
M. Kuzmichev,
I. S. Lomskaya, M. S. Mikulich, V. N.
Muratova, D. A.
Semenov, M. V. Trushin and E. V. Unzhakov, New measurement of the
β-spectrum of
210Bi with a silicon 4πβ-spectrometer, International Conference
SPb/2021, 18-22 Oct 2021.
10. E.V.
Unzhakov, S.V.
Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, A.M. Kuzmichev, I.S. Lomskaya,
V. N.
Muratova, D. A. Semenov, M. V. Trushin, A new limit on the resonant
absorption of
solar axions obtained via 169Tm-containing bolometer, International
PhysicA. SPb/2021, 18-22 Oct 2021.
11. М.С.
Микулич, И.Е.
Алексеев, С.В. Бахланов, А.В. Дербин, И.С. Драчнев, И.М. Котина, И.С.
В.Н. Муратова, Н.В. Ниязова, Д.А. Семенов, М.В. Трушин, Е.В. Унжаков,
Прецизионные измерения �琲-спектра
210Bi, VIII Всероссийский
«Open Science 2021», Гатчина,
17-19 ноября,
2021 г.
12. И.С. Ломская
для коллаборации Борексино, Поиск сигналов от
астрофизических источников в детекторе Borexino, VIII
научный форум «Open Science
Гатчина, 17-19
ноября, 2021 г.
13. И. С. Драчнев,
С. В. Бахланов, А. В. Дербин, И. М. Котина,
В. Н.
Муратова, Н. В.
Д. А. Семенов, М. В. Трушин, Е. В. Унжаков, Е. А. Чмель,
Бета-спектрометры на
основе полупроводниковых детекторов VIII
научный форум «Open Science
Гатчина, 17-19
ноября, 2021 г.
14. I.
Lomskaya, A.
Derbin, I, Drachnev, V, Muratova, N. Pilipenko, D. Semenov, E.
"Updated limits on the fluence of low-energy neutrinos correlated with
gravitational wave events including recent GWTC3 database", Borexino
General Meeting, 30 Nov-2 Dec, 2021, LNGS
15. I.
Drachnev, A.
Derbin, I. Lomskaya, V, Muratova, N. Pilipenko, D. Semenov, E.
Unzhakov, "Updated
result for low-energy Borexino signals in correlation with GRBs",
General Meeting, 30 Nov-2 Dec, 2021, LNGS
в журналах индексируемых Web of Science
1. I.E. Alekseev, S.V.
Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I.M. Kotina, I.S. Lomskaya, V.N. Muratova, N.V.
Niyazova, D.A. Semenov, M.V. Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov,
Precision measurement of 210Bi β-spectrum, Phys. Rev.C 102, 064329
2. Z.A. Akhmatov, S.S. Berezin, Yu.M. Gavrilyuk, A.M. Gangapshev, A.V.
Derbin, I.S Drachnev, V.V. Kazalov3, A.Kh. Khokonov, V.V. Kobychev,
V.V. Kuzminov, V.N. Muratova, S.I. Panasenko, S.S. Ratkevich, D.A.
Tekueva, E.V. Unzhakov and A.Yu. Zavrazhnov, Search for hadronic solar
axions, Journal
of Physics: Conference Series 1787 (2021) 012036
3. C. E. Aalseth et al., (DarlSide-20K Coll.), SiPM-matrix readout of
two-phase argon detectors using electroluminescence in the visible and
near infrared range, Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:153
4. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide-20K Coll.), Sensitivity of future liquid
argon dark matter search experiments to core-collapse supernova
neutrinos, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
5. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide - 20K Coll.) Separating 39Ar from 40Ar by
cryogenic distillation with Aria for dark-matter searches, European
Physical Journal C81 (2021) 4, 359
6. И.Е. Алексеев, С.В. Бахланов, А.В. Дербин, И.С. Драчнев, И.М.
Котина, В.Н. Муратова, Н.В. Ниязова, Д.А. Семенов, М.В. Трушин, Е.В.
Унжаков, Е.А. Чмель, Кремниевый 4π-спектрометр электронов β-распада с
энергией до 3МэВ, Приборы и Техника Эксперимента, 2021, № 2, с. 19–24
7. P. Agnes et al. (DarkSide Collaboration), Calibration of the liquid
argon ionization response to low energy electronic and nuclear recoils
with DarkSide-50, Phys. Rev. D 104, 082005 (2021)
8. S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, O.I. Konkov, I.M.
Kotina, A.M. Kuzmichev, I.S. Lomskaya, M.S. Mikulich, V.N. Muratova,
N.V. Niyazova, D.A. Semenov, M.V. Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov, Degradation
of silicon detectors under long-term irradiation by 252Cf fission
products, Journal of Physics: Conference series, 2103 (2021) 012138
9. S.V. Bakhlanov, N.V. Bazlov, I.D. Chernobrovkin, A.V. Derbin, I.S.
Drachnev, I.M. Kotina, O.I. Konkov, A.M. Kuzmichev, M.S. Mikulich, V.N.
Muratova, M.V. Trushin and E.V. Unzhakov, Influence of α-particles
irradiation on the properties and performance of silicon semiconductor
detectors, Journal of Physics: Conference series, 2103 (2021) 012139
10. I.E. Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I.M.
Kotina, A.M. Kuzmichev, I.S. Lomskaya, M.S. Mikulich, V.N. Muratova,
N.V. Niyazova, D.A. Semenov, M.V. Trushin and E.V. Unzhakov, New
measurement of the β-spectrum of 210Bi with a silicon 4πβ-spectrometer,
Journal of Physics: Conference series,. 2103 (2021) 012144
11. A H Abdelhameed1, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, A.M.
Kuzmichev, I.S. Lomskaya, V N Muratova, D A Semenov, M V Trushin, E.V.
Unzhakov, A new limit on the resonant absorption of solar axions
obtained via 169Tm-containing bolometer, Journal of Physics: Conference
series, 2103 (2021) 012142
12. I.E. Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I.M.
Kotina, I.S. Lomskaya, M.S. Mikulich, V.N. Muratova, N.V. Niyazova,
D.A. Semenov, M.V. Trushin and E.V. Unzhakov,144Ce-144Pr spectrum
measurement with 4\pi semiconductor-spectrometer,Journal of Physics:
Conference series, 2103 (2021) 012141
13. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.) Identification of the
cosmogenic 11C background in large volumes of liquid scintillators with
Borexino, Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:1075
14. A. Abeln et al., (IAXO Coll.) Conceptual design of BabyIAXO, the
intermediate stage towards the International Axion Observatory, Journal
of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021(5), 137
15. A. Abeln et al., (IAXO Coll.) Axion search with BabyIAXO in view of
IAXO, Proceedings of Science, 2021, 390, 631
препринты и т.п.
1. S.V. Bakhlanov, N. V. Bazlov, D.V. Danilov, A. V. Derbin,
I. S. Drachnev, I. M. Kotina, O. I. Konkov, A.M. Kuzmichev, M.S.
Mikulich, V. N. Muratova, M. V. Trushin, E. V. Unzhakov, Influence of
alpha-particles irradiation on the performance and defect levels
structure of Al/SiO2/p-type Si surface barrier detector,
2. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide Coll.), Separating 39Ar from 40Ar by
cryogenic distillation with Aria for dark matter searches,
arXiv:2101.08686v2 [physics.ins-det] 23 Jan 2021
3. A. Abeln et al., (IAXO Coll.), Axion search with BabyIAXO in view of
IAXO, arXiv:2012.06634v1 [physics.ins-det] 11 Dec 2020
4. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), Identification of the
cosmogenic 11C background in large volumes of liquid scintillators with
Borexino, arXiv: 2106.10973
5. S. Kumaran et al., (Borexino Coll.) The Low Polonium Field of
Borexino and its significance for the CNO neutrino detection, arXiv:
6. G. Settanta et al., (Borexino Coll.), First detection of CNO
neutrinos with Borexino, arXiv:2105.09211
7. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide Coll.), Calibration of the liquid argon
ionization response to low energy electronic and nuclear recoils with
DarkSide-50, arXiv: 2107.08087
8. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide -50 Coll.), A study of events with
photoelectric emission in the DarkSide-50 liquid argon Time Projection
Chamber, arXiv: 2107.08015
9. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), First demonstration of
directional measurement of sub-MeV solar neutrinos in a liquid
scintillator detector with Borexino , arXiv: 2109.04770
10. S. Appel et al., (Borexino Coll.), Search for Low-Energy Signals
from Fast Radio Bursts with the Borexino Detector, arXiv: 2111.14500
11. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), First Directional Measurement
of sub-MeV Solar Neutrinos with Borexino, arXiv:2112.11816
и выступления на конференциях и семинарах
1. А.В.
Дербин, New experiment searching for solar axions with
Tm-containing cryogenic bolometer, 16th Patras Workshop on Axions,
WIMPs and WISPs, 14-18 June, 2021
2. И.С. Драчнев, Searches for Borexino signals associated with FRBs,
Borexino General Meeting, 21-22 June, LNGS, On-line
3. А.В. Дербин, Search for heavy sterile neutrinos in beta-decay of
144Pr nuclei “LXXI International conference "NUCLEUS – 2021. Nuclear
physics and elementary particle physics. Nuclear physics technologies",
20-25 Oct, St. Petersburg, on-line
4. В.Н. Муратова, Precision measurements of 144Ce-144Pr beta-spectra
with Si(Li)-spectrometers “LXXI International conference "NUCLEUS –
2021. Nuclear physics and elementary particle physics. Nuclear physics
technologies" , 20-25 Oct, St. Petersburg, on-line
5. М.С. Микулич, Degradation of Si-based detectors parameters under
long-term irradiation by 252Cf fission products at room and liquid
nitrogen temperatures “LXXI International conference "NUCLEUS – 2021.
Nuclear physics and elementary particle physics. Nuclear physics
technologies", 20-25 Oct, St. Petersburg, on-line
6. I.S. Lomskaya, I.E. Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S.
Drachnev, I.M. Kotina, M.S. Mikulich, V.N. Muratova, N.V. Niyazova, D.
A. Semenov, M.V. Trushin and E.V. Unzhakov, 144Ce - 144Pr spectrum
measurement with 4pi semiconductor spectrometer, International
Conference PhysicA. SPb/2021, 18-22 Oct 2021.
7. M.V. Trushin, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, O.I.
Konkov, I.M. Kotina, A.M. Kuzmichev, I.S. Lomskaya, M.S. Mikulich, V.N.
Muratova, N.V. Niyazova, D.A. Semenov, and E.V. Unzhakov, Degradation
of silicon detectors under long-term irradiation by 252Cf fission
products, International Conference PhysicA. SPb/2021, 18-22 Oct 2021.
8. M.S. Mikulich, S.V. Bakhlanov, N.V. Bazlov, I.D. Chernobrovkin, A.V.
Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I.M. Kotina, O.I. Konkov, A.M. Kuzmichev, V.N.
Muratova, M.V. Trushin and E.V. Unzhakov, Influence of α-particles
irradiation on the properties and performance of silicon semiconductor
detectors, International Conference PhysicA. SPb/2021, 18-22 Oct 2021.
9. N.V. Niyazova, I.E. Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I S
Drachnev, I M Kotina, A M Kuzmichev, I S Lomskaya, M S Mikulich, V N
Muratova, D A Semenov, M V Trushin and E V Unzhakov, New measurement of
the β-spectrum of 210Bi with a silicon 4πβ-spectrometer, International
Conference PhysicA. SPb/2021, 18-22 Oct 2021.
10. E.V. Unzhakov, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, A.M.
Kuzmichev, I.S. Lomskaya, V N Muratova, D A Semenov, M V Trushin, A new
limit on the resonant absorption of solar axions obtained via
169Tm-containing bolometer, International Conference PhysicA. SPb/2021,
18-22 Oct 2021.
11. М.С. Микулич, И.Е. Алексеев, С.В. Бахланов, А.В. Дербин, И.С.
Драчнев, И.М. Котина, И.С. Ломская, В.Н. Муратова, Н.В. Ниязова, Д.А.
Семенов, М.В. Трушин, Е.В. Унжаков, Прецизионные измерения �琲-спектра
210Bi, VIII Всероссийский научный форум «Open Science 2021», Гатчина,
17-19 ноября, 2021 г.
12. И.С. Ломская для коллаборации Борексино, Поиск сигналов от
транзиентных астрофизических источников в детекторе Borexino, VIII
Всероссийский научный форум «Open Science 2021», Гатчина, 17-19 ноября,
2021 г.
13. И. С. Драчнев, С. В. Бахланов, А. В. Дербин, И. М. Котина, В. Н.
Муратова, Н. В.
Ниязова, Д. А. Семенов, М. В. Трушин, Е. В. Унжаков, Е. А. Чмель,
Бета-спектрометры на основе полупроводниковых детекторов VIII
Всероссийский научный форум «Open Science 2021», Гатчина, 17-19 ноября,
2021 г.
14. I. Lomskaya, A. Derbin, I, Drachnev, V, Muratova, N. Pilipenko, D.
Semenov, E. Unzhakov, "Updated limits on the fluence of low-energy
neutrinos correlated with gravitational wave events including recent
GWTC3 database", Borexino General Meeting, 30 Nov-2 Dec, 2021, LNGS
15. I. Drachnev, A. Derbin, I. Lomskaya, V, Muratova, N. Pilipenko, D.
Semenov, E. Unzhakov, "Updated result for low-energy Borexino signals
in correlation with GRBs", Borexino General Meeting, 30 Nov-2 Dec,
2021, LNGS
в журналах индексируемых
Web of Science
M.Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), Experimental evidence
of neutrinos produced in the CNO fusion cycle in the Sun, Nature, v.
587, p. 577, 25 November 2020.
2. Н.В. Базлов, С.В. Бахланов, А.В. Дербин, И.С. Драчнев, Г.А. Изегов,
И.М. Котина, В.Н. Муратовa, Н.В. Ниязова, Д.А. Семенов, М.В. Трушин,
Е.В. Унжаков, Е.А. Чмель, Изменение параметров Si(Li)-детекторов под
действием α-частиц, Приборы и Техника Эксперимента, 2020, № 1, с. 30–34
3. S.K. Agarwalla et al., (Borexino Coll.), Constraints on
flavor-diagonal non-standard neutrino interactions from Borexino
Phase-II, JHEP 2002 (2020) 038
4. C.E. Aalsethet al., (DarkSide-20K Coll.), Design and Construction of
a New Detector to Measure Ultra-Low Radioactive-Isotope Contamination
of Argon, JINST 15 (2020) no.02, P02024
5. C. Ghiano et al., (Borexino Coll.), Solar Neutrino Results and
Future Opportunities with Borexino, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series
1137 (2019) 012054
6. S. Marcocci et al., (Borexino Coll.), The Monte Carlo simulation of
the Borexino detector, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1342
(2020) 012035
7. N.V. Bazlov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, G.E. Gicharevich,I. M.
Kotina, O.I. Konkov, N. V. Pilipenko, E. A. Chmel, S.N. Abolmasov, E.
I. Terukov, E.V. Unzhakov, Si(Li) detector with ultra-thin entrance
window on the diffusive lithium side, Journal of Physics: Conference
Series 1400 (2019) 055056
8. A.H. Abdelhameed, S.V. Bakhlanov, P. Bauer, A. Bento, E. Bertoldo,
L. Canonica, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, N. Ferreiro Iachellini, D.
Fuchs, D. Hauff, M. Laubenstein, D.A. Lis, I.S. Lomskaya, M. Mancuso,
V.N. Muratova, S. Nagorny, S. Nisi, F. Petricca, F. Proebst, J. Rothe,
V.V. Ryabchenkov, S.E. Sarkisov, D.A. Semenov, K.A. Subbotin, M.V.
Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov, E.V. Zharikov, New limits on the resonant
absorption of solar axions obtained with a 169Tm-containing cryogenic
detector, European Physical J. C 80 (2020) 5, 376
9. S. Zavatarelli et al., (Borexino Coll.), The study of solar
neutrinos and of non-standard neutrino interactions with Borexino, J.
Phys. Conf. Ser. 1468 (2020) 1, 012192
10. L. Ludhova et al., (Borexino Coll.), Updated geoneutrino
measurement with Borexino, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1468 (2020) 1, 012211
11. D. D'Angelo et al., (Borexino Coll.), Ten years of cosmic muons
observation with Borexino, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1468 (2020) 1, 012080
12. S. Kumaran et al., (Borexino Coll.), Analysis strategies for the
updated geoneutrino measurement with Borexino, . Phys. Conf. Ser. 1468
(2020) 1, 012184
13. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), Search for low-energy
neutrinos from astrophysical sources with Borexino, Astroparticle
Physics 125 (2021) 102509
14. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), Comprehensive geoneutrino
analysis with Borexino, Phys. Rev. D 101, 012009 (2020)
15. E. Bertoldo, A. Derbin et al., A Test of Bolometric Properties of
Tm-containing Crystals as a Perspective Detector for the Solar Axion
Search, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 949, 162924 (2020)
16. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), Sensitivity to neutrinos from
the solar CNO cycle in Borexino, Eur. Phys. J. C (2020) 80:1091
препринты и т.п.
1. P. Agnesetal., (DarkSide-50 Coll.), Effective field theory
interactions for liquid argon target in DarkSide-50 experiment,
2. I.E. Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I.M.
Kotina, I.S. Lomskaya, V.N. Muratova, N.V. Niyazova, D.A. Semenov, M.V.
Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov, Precision measurement of 210Bi β-spectrum,
3. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), Sensitivity to neutrinos from
the solar CNO cycle in Borexino, arXiv: 2005.12829
4. A. H. Abdelhameed, S. V. Bakhlanov, P. Bauer, A. Bento, E. Bertoldo,
L. Canonica, A. V. Derbin, I. S. Drachnev, N. Ferreiro Iachellini, D.
Fuchs, D. Hauff, M. Laubenstein, D. A. Lis, I. S. Lomskaya, M. Mancuso,
V. N. Muratova, S. Nagorny, S. Nisi, F. Petricca, F. Proebst, J. Rothe,
V. V. Ryabchenkov, S. E. Sarkisov, D. A. Semenov, K. A. Subbotin, M .V.
Trushin, E. V. Unzhakov, E. V. Zharikov, New limits on the resonant
absorption of solar axions obtained with a 169Tm-containing cryogenic
detector, arXiv: 2004.08121
5. C.E. Aalseth et al., (DarkSide Coll.), SiPM-matrix readout of
two-phase argon detectors using electroluminescence in the visible and
near infrared range, arXiv: 2004.02024
6. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), First Direct Experimental
Evidence of CNO neutrinos, arXiv: 2006.15115
7. A. Abeln et al., (IAXO coll.) Conceptual Design of BabyIAXO, the
intermediate stage towards the International Axion Observatory,
8. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide Coll.), Sensitivity of future liquid
argon dark matter search experiments to core-collapse supernova
neutrinos, arXiv:2011.07819v1
и выступления на конференциях и семинарах
1. А.В. Дербин, Отчет о работе Отдела п/п ядерных детекторов в
2019 году, Отчетная сессия Отделения нейтронных исследований, ноябрь
2019, устный.
2. A.V. Derbin, A search for low-energy Borexino’s signals correlated
with γ-ray bursts, solar flares and gravitational events, XXIX
International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics -
Neutrino 2020, June, 2020, remote poster
3. I.S. Drachnev, I.E. Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.M.
Kotina, I.S. Lomskaya, V.N. Muratova, N.V. Niyazova, D.A. Semenov, M.V.
Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov, Precision measurement,of210Bi beta-spectrum,
XXIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics -
Neutrino 2020, June, 2020, remote poster
4. I.S. Lomskaya, I.E. Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V. Derbin, I.S.
Drachnev, I.M. Kotina, V.N. Muratova, N.V. Niyazova, D.A. Semenov, M.V.
Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov, Precision measurement of 144Се-144Pr
beta-spectra with 4pi geometry Si(Li)-detectors, XXIX International
Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2020, June,
2020, remote poster
5. D. Semenov, A. Derbin, I. Drachnev, A. Gangapshev, YU. Gavrilyuk, V.
Kazalov, V. Kobychev, V. Kuzminov, V. Muratova, S. Panasenko, S.
Ratkevich, D. Tekueva, E. Unzhakov, A search for resonant absorption of
solar axions by 83Kr nuclei, XXIX International Conference on Neutrino
Physics and Astrophysics - Neutrino 2020, June, 2020, remote poster
6. A. Derbin, Experimental searches for solar axions, LXX International
conference ”NUCLEUS – 2020", 11-17 Oct 2020, St. Petersburg.
7. V. Muratova, I. Alekseev, S. Bakhlanov, A. Derbin, I. Drachnev, I.
Kotina, I. Lomskaya, N. Niyazova, D. Semenov, E. Unzhakov, Precision
measurement of β-spectra of 144Ce−144Pr nuclei, LXX International
conference ”NUCLEUS – 2020", 11-17 Oct 2020, St. Petersburg.
8. Е.В. Унжаков, А.В. Дербин, И.С. Драчнёв, В.Н. Муратова, Д.А.
Семёнов, A Search for Resonant Absorption of Solar Axions via the
Tm-containing Bolometer, LXX International conference ”NUCLEUS – 2020",
11-17 Oct 2020, St. Petersburg.
9. I.S. Drachnev, I.E. Alekseev, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Lomskaya, V.N.
Muratova, N.V. Pilipenko, D.A. Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov, Precision
beta-spectrum measurement of RaE with semiconductror spectrometers, LXX
International conference ”NUCLEUS – 2020", 11-17 Oct 2020, St.
10. I.S. Lomskaya, Search for low-energy Borexino's signals correlated
with gamma-ray bursts, solar flares and gravitational wave events, LXX
International conference ”NUCLEUS – 2020", 11-17 Oct 2020, St.
11. M.V. Trushin, S.V. Bakhlanov , N.V. Bazlov, A.V. Derbin, I.S.
Drachnev, I.M. Kotina, O.I. Konkov, V.N. Muratova, M.S. Mikulich, E.V.
Unzhakov, Degradation of Si-based detectors parameters under the
alpha-particle irradiation, LXX International conference ”NUCLEUS –
2020", 11-17 Oct 2020, St. Petersburg.
12. И.С. Ломская для коллаборации Борексино, Измерение солнечных
нейтрино от pp-цепочки с помощью детектора Borexino Open Science 2020,
Гатчина, 18-20 ноября, 2020
13. М.С. Микулич, Н. В. Базлов, С. В. Бахланов, А. В. Дербин, И. С.
Драчнев, И. М. Котина, В. Н. Муратова, Н. В. Ниязова, Д. А. Семенов, М.
В. Трушин, Е. В. Унжаков, Е. А. Чмель, Изменение параметров
Si(Li)-детекторов под действием α-частиц, Open Science 2020, Гатчина,
18-20 ноября, 2020
14. А.М. Кузьмичев, А.В. Дербин, И.С. Драчнёв, В.Н. Муратова, Д.А.
Семёнов, Е.В. Унжаков, Тулиевые болометры как перспективные детекторы
для поиска солнечных аксионов, Молодежная конференция по теоретической
и экспериментальной физике, 16–19 ноября 2020 года, ИТЭФ, Москва
15. М.В. Трушин, Н.В. Базлов, А.М. Данишевский, А.В. Дербин, И.С.
Драчнев, И.М. Котина, О.И. Коньков, А.М. Кузьмичев, Е. В. Унжаков,
Транзисторное усиление фототока в МДП-структурах на высокоомном кремнии
р-типа с туннельным диэлектриком из нитрида алюминия, international
conference PhysicA - SPb/2020, October, 19-23, 2020, ФТИ, С. Петербург
16. А.М. Кузьмичев, Тулиевые болометры как перспективные детекторы для
поиска солнечных аксионов, Школа молодых учёных в рамках XXXIV
Кикоинских чтений 25-27 ноября 2020, Псков
17. A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I.S. Lomskaya, V.N. Muratova, N.V.,
D.A. Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov, Status of searches for Borexino signals
associated with GW events and FRBs, Borexino General Meeting, 11-12
December 2020, online
интеллектуальной деятельности
1. А.В. Дербин, В.Н. Муратова, Свидетельство о государственной
регистрации программы на ЭВМ №2020662942 «Специализированное
программное обеспечение для определения содержания урана и плутония по
характеристическому рентгеновскому и гамма-излучению»
в журналах индексируемых Web of Science
1.M.Agostini et al.,(Borexino Coll.)Simultaneous precision
spectroscopy of pp,7Be, and pep solar neutrinos with Borexino Phase-II,
Physical Review D 100,082004(2019)
2.А.Х. Хусаинов, А.В. Дербин, В.А. Соловей, В.Н. Муратова, В.Г.
Муратов,С.В.Бахланов, М.П. Жуков, Т.А. Антонова, В.В. Лысенко,
Анализатор рентгеновского и γ-излучения «Радиант» на основе
Приборы и Техника Эксперимента 2019, № 2, с. 154–156
3. E. Armengaud et al., (IAXO coll.) Physics potential of the
International Axion Observatory (IAXO),Journal of Cosmology and
Astro-particle Physics,JCAP 1906 (2019) 047
4. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.) Modulations of the cosmic muon
signal in ten years of Borexino data, Journal of Cosmology and
Astroparticle Physics JCAP 02(2019)046
5. S. Sanfilippo et al., (DarkSide Coll.), DarkSide status and
prospects, Nuovo Cimento42 C(2019) 79
6.Н. В. Базлов, С.В. Бахланов, А.В. Дербин, И.С. Драчнев, Г.А. Изегов,
И.М.Котина, В.Н. Муратовa, Н.В. Ниязова,Д.А. Семенов, М. В. Трушин, Е.
В. Унжаков, Е.А. Чмель, Изменение параметров Li-детекторов под
действием альфа-частиц, Приборы и Техника Эксперимента 2020, № 1
(принято в печать).
7. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), Comprehensive geoneutrino
analysis with Borexino,Phys. Rev. D, arXiv:1909.02257 (принято в Phys.
Rev. D)
8. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.), Search for low-energy
neutrinos from astrophysical sources with Borexino, направлено в
Astroparticle Physics,arXiv:1909.02422
9. E. Bertoldo, A. Derbin et al. A Test of
Bolometric Properties of Tm-containing Crystals as a Perspective
Detector for the Solar Axion Search, Nuclear Instruments and Methods
A 949, 162924 (2020)
10. P. Agnes et al.,(DarkSide Coll.), Measurement of the ion fraction
and mobility of 218Po produced in 222Rn decays in liquid argon, Journal
of Instrumentation, v. 14, P11018(2019)
11. 8. S. Bakhlanov, A.Derbin, I. Drachnev, I. Kotina, I. Lomskaia, V.
Muratova, N. Pilipenko,D.Semenov, E. Unzhakov, 4pi semiconductor
beta-spectrometer for measurement of 144Ce - 144Pr spectra, Journal of
Physics: Conference Series 1390(2019) 012117
препринты и т.п.
1. L.Miramonti et al.,(Borexino Coll.) Recent results on
pp-chain solar
neutrinos with the Borexino detector, arXiv:1901.09965
2. A. Pocar et al.,(Borexino Coll.) Solar Neutrino
3. I. Drachnev et al.,(Borexino coll.) Review on Solar Neutrino Studies
Borexino Proceedings,18-th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle
Physics :
Moscow,Russia,August 24-30, 2017
4. E. Bertoldo, A. Derbin et al.A Test of Bolometric Properties of
Tm-containing Crystals as a Perspective Detector for the Solar Axion
Search arXiv:1905.12952
5. A.V. Derbin, I.S.Drachnev, I.S. Lomskaya, V.N. Muratova, N.V.
Pilipenko, D.A. Semenov,E.V.Unzhakov, Monte-Carlo sensitivity study for
sterile neutrino search with 144Ce-144Pr source and liquid
scintillation detectors of various geometries arXiv:1905.06670
6. A. Vishneva et al.,(Borexino coll.), Limit on the effective magnetic
moment of solar neutrinos using Borexino data Proceedings,5th
International Solar
Neutrino Conference : Dresden, Germany, June 11-14,2018
7. M. Wurm et al., (Borexino coll.)Solar neutrino spectroscopy in
Borexino. Proceedings, 5th International Solar Neutrino Conference
:Dresden,Germany, June 11-14, 2018
8. D. Guffanti et al.,(Borexino coll.) Perspectives for CNO neutrino
detection in Borexino. Proceedings, 5th International Solar Neutrino
Conference : Dresden, Germany, June 11-14, 2018
9. S.K. Agarwalla et al.,(Borexino coll.) Constraints on Non-Standard
Neutrino Interactions from Borexino Phase-II, arXiv:1905.03512
10. E. Armengaud et al.,(IAXO coll.) Physics potential of the
International Axion Observatory(IAXO),arXiv:1904.09155
11. P. Agnes et al.,(DarkSide Coll.), Measurement of the ion fraction
and mobility of 218Po produced in 222Rn decays in liquid argon,
12. M. Agostini et al.,(Borexino Coll.), Comprehensive geoneutrino
analysis with Borexino,arXiv:1909.02257
13. M. Agostini et al.,(Borexino Coll.), Search for low-energy
neutrinos from astrophysical sources with Borexino, arXiv:1909.02422
о работе Отдела п/пядерных детекторов в
2018 году,Отчетная сессия Отделения нейтронных исследований, январь
2019, устный.
2.А.В. Дербин, И.С. Драчнев, И.С. Ломская, В.Н. Муратова, Н.В.Пилипенко,
Д.А. Семенов, Е.В. Унжаков, Поиск нейтрино с массой (0.01–1.0) МэВ в
бета-распадах ядер 144
Зимняя Школа 2018, Сестрорецк,Санкт-Петербург, 11 - 16 марта 2019 г.
3. S.V. Bakhlanov, A.V.Derbin I.S. Drachnev, V.N. Muratova, D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov,A Search for Solar Axions via the
Resonant Absorption
by Atomic Nuclei,The 15th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs,
Germany,June 3-7,2019.
4. A.V. Derbin, I.S.Drachnev, I.S. Lomskaya, V.N. Muratova,
N.V. Pilipenko, D.A.Semenov, E.V.Unzhakov, Search for low-energy
Borexino signal in correlation with GRB, Borexino General Meeting, Gran
Sasso, Italy,26-28 июнь
5. A. Derbin, I. Drachnev,I. Kotina, I. Lomskaya, V. Muratova, N.
Niyazova, D. Semenov,E.Unzhakov. Precision measuring of 210Bi beta
spectrum, Borexino General Meeting,Gran Sasso, Italy, 26-28 июнь
6. A.V. Derbin, I.S.Drachnev, I.S. Lomskaya, V.N. Muratova,
N.V. Niyazova, D.A.Semenov, E.V.Unzhakov, A search for low-energy
neutrinos correlated with Gravitational wave events from runs 01/02 and
solar flares with the Borexino detector,Borexino General Meeting, Gran
Sasso, Italy, 26-28 июнь
7. A.V. Derbin, I.S.Drachnev. 144Ce -144Pr beta-spectra measurement and
MC study of sterile neutrino search with an LS detector, Совещание по
совместным проектам в области нейтринной физики проводимым в
лабораториях БНО ИЯИ РАН и
ГранСассо, Москва октября 2019
8.Н.В. Ниязова «Прецизионное измерение бета-спектра 210Bi для
определения потока CNO-нейтрино в эксперименте Borexino», форум Open
2019,Гатчина, 13-15 ноября, 2019
9.Е.В. Унжаков «Поиск солнечных аксионов с помощью резонансного
поглощения ядрами169Tm», форум Open Science 2019, Гатчина, 13-15
ноября, 2019
10. И.С. Драчнев за коллаборацию Borexino, Поиск низкоэнергетических
нейтрино от астрофизических источников при помощи детектора Borexino,
форум Open Science 2019, Гатчина, 13-15 ноября,2019
11.А.В. Дербин, И.С. Драчнев, И.С.Ломская, В.Н. Муратова, Н.В.
Ниязова,Д.А. Семенов , Е.В. Унжаков, Исследование различных геометрий
жидкого сцинтилляционного детектора для поиска стерильного нейтрино от
источника 144Ce— 144Pr методом Монте-Карло, форум Open Science 2019,
Гатчина, 13-15 ноября, 2019
12. И.С. Ломская за коллаборацию Борексино, Поиск корреляций сигналов
детектора Борексино и событий гравитационных волн и солнечных вспышек,
форум Open Science 2019, Гатчина, 13-15 ноября,2019
13. A.V. Derbin, I.S.Drachnev, I.S. Lomskaya, V.N. Muratova,
N.V. Niyazova, D.A.Semenov, E.V.Unzhakov, New limits on low-energy
neutrinos flux correlated with Gravitational wave events from recent
data O3 run of LIGO / VIRGO,Borexino General Meeting,Milan, Italy,
10-13 December, 2019
14. A. Derbin, I. Drachnev,I. Kotina, I. Lomskaya, V. Muratova,
N. Niyazova, D. Semenov,E.Unzhakov. Precision measuring of 210Bi beta
spectrum using 4π-spectrometer, Borexino General Meeting, Milan, Italy,
10-13 December, 2019
15. I. Alexeev, S.Bakhlanov, A. Derbin, I. Drachnev, I. Kotina,
I. Lomskaya, V.Muratova,N. Niyazova, D. Semenov, E. Unzhakov,
of 144Ce-144Pr beta-spectrain order to determine the spectrum of
antineutrinos and search for heavy neutrino with mass of 0.01–1.0 MeV,
NuPhys2019: Prospects in Neutrino Physics, London, 16-18 December, 2019
16. N.V. Bazlov, A.V. Derbin,I.S. Drachnev, G.E. Gicharevich,
I.M.Kotina, O.I. Konkov, N.V.Pilipenko,E.A. Chmel, S.N.
Abolmasov, E.I. Terukov, E.V. Unzhakov,Si(Li)detector with ultra-thin
entrance window on the diffusive
lithium side,Международная конференция ФизикА С.Петербург, Октябрь,
22-24, 2019,
ФТИ им. А.Ф. Иоффе.
в журналах индексируемых Web of Science
1.I.E.Alexeev, et al.,Beta-spectrometer with
Si-detectors for the
study of 144Ce-144Pr decays, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics
Research, A 890, 64-67, (2018)
2. Н.В. Базлов и др. Бета-спектрометр наоснове кремниевых детекторов,
Приборы и техника эксперимента. № 3,с.1–5 (2018)
3. А.В. Дербин и др., Поиск нейтрино с массой (0.01–1.0) МэВ в
бета-распадах ядер 144Ce–144Pr, Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 108, вып. 8, с.
4. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide coll.) Status and Perspective of the
DarkSide Experiment at LNGS, Nuovo Cim. C40 no.5, 164, (2018)
5. B. Caccianiga et al., (Borexino coll.) Short distance neutrino
Oscillations with BoreXino: SOX, Nuovo Cim. C40 no.5, 162, (2018)
6. Yu.M. Gavrilyuk et al., Search for resonant absorption of solar
axions emitted in M1-transitions in 83Kr nuclei: Second stage of the
experiment, Phys.Part.Nucl. 49 no.1, 94-96, (2018)
Fiz.Elem.Chast.Atom.Yadra 49 no.1, (2018)
7. A.V. Derbin et al., Recent Results of Search for Solar Axions, J.
Phys.: Conf. Ser. 934 01 (2018)
8. Ю.М. Гаврилюк и др., Новые ограничения на константу связи аксиона с
фотоном для солнечных аксионов, Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 107, вып. 10, с. 617
– 622, (2018)
9. C.E. Aalseth et al., (DarkSide coll.) DarkSide-20k: A 20 tonne
two-phase LAr TPC for direct dark matter detection at LNGS, Eur. Phys.
J. Plus 133, 131, (2018)
10. Z.A. Akhmatov et al., Results of Searching for Solar Hadronic
Axions Emitted in the M1 Transition in 83Kr Nuclei, Phys. Part. Nucl.
49, no.4, 599 (2018)
11. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide Coll.) Constraints
on Sub-GeV Dark Matter-Electron Scattering from the DarkSide-50
Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, no.11, 111303 (2018)
e-Print: arXiv:1802.06998
12. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide Coll.), Low-Mass Dark Matter Search with
the DarkSide-50 Experiment Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 no.8, 081307 (2018)
13. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide Coll.), Electroluminescence pulse shape
and electron diffusion in liquid argon measured in a dual-phase TPC,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A904, 23 (2018)
14. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide Coll.), DarkSide-50 532-day Dark Matter
Search with Low-Radioactivity Argon, Phys. Rev. D 98, 102006 (2018)
15. L. Miramonti et al., (Borexino Coll.) Solar Neutrinos Spectroscopy
with Borexino Phase-II, Universe 2018, 4(11), 118
16. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.) Comprehensive measurement of
pp-chain solar neutrinos, Nature 562 (2018) no.7728, 505
препринты и т.п.
1.P.Agnes et al., Сonstraints onSub-GeV Dark
Matter-Electron Scattering from the DarkSide-50 Experiment,
2. P.Agnes et al., Low-mass Dark Matter Search with the DarkSide-50
Experiment, arXiv:1802.06994
3. P.Agnes et al., DarkSide-50 532-day Dark Matter Search with
Low-Radioactivity Argon, arXiv:1802.07198
4. P.Agnes et al., Electroluminescence pulse shape and electron
diffusion in liquid argon measured in a dual-phase TPC,
5. X.F. Ding et al., Speeding up complex multivariate data analysis in
Borexino with parallel computing based on Graphics Processing Unit,
6. A.V. Derbin et al., Recent results of search for solar axions using
resonant absorption by 83Kr nuclei, DESY-PROC-2017-02 DOI:
10.3204/DESY-PROC-2017-02/muratova_valentina Conference: C17-05-15.4,
p.79-82 (2018)
7. P. Agnes (Houston U.) et al., (DarkSide Coll.) Constraints on
Sub-GeV Dark Matter-Electron Scattering from the DarkSide-50
Experiment, arXiv:1802.06998
8. A. Pocar et al., (Borexino Coll.) Solar Neutrino Physics with
Borexino, arXiv:1810.12
9. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino Coll.) Modulations of the Cosmic Muon
Signal in Ten Years of Borexino Data , arXiv:1808.04207
1.А.В.Дербин,Эксперимент Борексино: солнечные нейтрино, 52-я
Зимняя школа ПИЯФ по физике, март 2018, пленарный
2. Н.В. Пилипенко, Measurement of 144Pr beta-spectrum with Si detectors
for the purpose of determining the spectrum of electron antineutrinos,
52-я Зимняя Школа ПИЯФ по физике ядра и элементарных частиц, постер
3. Н.В. Пилипенко, Бета-спектрометр на основе Si детекторов для
измерения спектров антинейтрино источника 144Се-144Pr, 52-я Школа ПИЯФ
по Физике Конденсированного Состояния, устный
4. A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, Yu.M. Gavrilyuk, A.M. Gangapshev, V.V.
Kazalov,V.V. Kobuchev, V.V.Kuzminov,V.N. Muratova, S.I. Panasenko, S.S.
Ratkevich, D.A. Tekueva, E.V.Unzhakov,S.P. Yakimenko, New limits
on axion-photon coupling constant for solar axions, Axion Wimp 2018
The 14th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, poster, 18 - 22
June 2018, Hamburg, Germany
5. A. Derbin, I. Drachnev and V. Muratova for the Borexino
collaboration, A search for low-energy neutrinos correlated with
gravitational wave events with the Borexino detector, Neutrino-2018 -
The XXVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and
6. A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, Yu.M. Gavrilyuk, A.M. Gangapshev et al.,
Search for resonant absorption of solar axions by 83Kr-nuclei. New
limits on gAγ and gAe. Neutrino-2018 - The XXVIII International
Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, 4–9 June 2018,
Heidelberg, Germany
7. S.V. Bakhlanov, E.A Chmel, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, I.M. Kotina,
V.N. Muratova, N.V. Pilipenko, D.A. Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov, Measurement
of 144Pr beta-spectrum with Si detectors for the purpose of determining
the spectrum of electron antineutrinos, Neutrino-2018 - The XXVIII
International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
8. A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, V.N. Muratova, N.V. Pilipenko, D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov, Axioelectric effect on argon atoms in DarkSide
detector, DarkSide General Meeting
9. E.V. Unzhakov, A Search for Solar Axions via the Resonant Absorption
by Atomic Nuclei, INFN LNGS SEMINARS, Gran Sasso, 27 September, 2018
10. D.A. Semenov, New Tm-containing bolometer for resonat absorption of
solar axions, IV International Conference on Particle Physics and
Astrophysics (ICPPA-2018), poster, 22-26 October 2018, Moscow
11. I.S. Drachnev, $4\pi$ semiconductor beta-spectrometer for
measurement of $^{144}$Ce-$^{144}$Pr spectra, IV International
Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA-2018)
12. I.S. Lomskaia, New Tm-containing bolometer for resonat absorption
of solar axions, IV International Conference on Particle Physics and
Astrophysics (ICPPA-2018)
13. N.V. Pilipenko, Измерение бета-спектров источника электронных
антинейтрино 144Ce-144Pr с помощью спектрометра с 4-π геометрией, Open
Science 2018
журналах индексируемых Web of Science
M. Agostini et al.,(Borexino coll.) Seasonal Modulation of
the 7Be Solar Neutrino Rate in Borexino, Astroparticle Physics 92 21-
29 (2017)
2. D. D'Angelo et al., (DarkSide coll.) The DarkSide physics program
and its recent results, Nuovo Cim. C39 no.4, 312, (2017)
3. D. Jeschke et al., (Borexino coll.) Recent Results from Borexino, J.
Phys. Conf. Ser. 798 no.1, 012114, (2017)
4. G. Zuzel et al., (DarkSide coll.) The DarkSide Experiment: Present
Status and Future, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 798 no.1, 012109, (2017)
5. B. Bottino et al., (DarkSide Coll.), The DarkSide experiment, Nuovo
Cim. C40 no.1, 52, (2017)
6. S. Marcocci et al., (Borexino coll.), Real-time detection of solar
neutrinos with Borexino, Nuovo Cim. C40 no.1, 58, (2017)
7. A. Vishneva et al., (Borexino coll.), Test of the electron stability
with the Borexino detector, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 888 no.1, 012193,(2017)
8. A. Caminata et al., (Borexino coll.), Improvements in the simulation
code of the SOX experiment, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 888 no.1,012145,(2017)
9. M. Pallavicini et al., (Borexino-SOX coll.), Solar neutrino
detectors as sterile neutrino hunters J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 888 (2017)
10. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.), A search for low-energy
neutrinos correlated with gravitational wave events GW150914,
GW151226 and GW170104 with the Borexino detector, Astrophysical
Journal, (2017) arXiv:1706.10176
11. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.), The Monte Carlo simulation of
the Borexino detector, Astroparticle Physics, (2017),
12. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.) Limiting neutrino magnetic
moments with Borexino Phase-II solar neutrino data, Phys. Rev.
D96. 091103(R) (2017)
13. E. Edkins et al., (DarkSide coll.), The DarkSide direct dark matter
search with liquid argon, AIP Conf. Proc. 1900 (2017) no.1,
14. V. Anastassopoulos et al., Towards a medium-scale axion helioscope
and haloscope, Journal of Instrumentation, 12, n.11,P11019 (2017)
15. Yu.M. Gavrilyuk, A.M. Gangapshev, A.V. Derbin, V.V. Kazalov, V.V.
Kuzminov, V.N. Muratova et al., Search for resonant
absorption of solar axions emitted in M1-transition in 83Kr nuclei:
second stage of the experiment, Physics of Particles and Nuclei,
49, 94 (2018)
16. A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, A.M. Gangapshev et al., Recent results
of search for solar axions using resonant absorption by 83Kr
nuclei, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 934 (2017) 012018
17. I. E. Alekseev, S.V. Bakhlanov, N.V. Bazlov, E.A. Chmel, A.V.
Derbin et al., A Silicon Detector Based Beta-spectrometer, Journal
препринты и т.п.
1. C. E.Aalseth et al., (DarkSide coll.)Cryogenic
Characterization of FBK RGB-HD SiPMs, arXiv:1705.07028
2. S. Davini et al., (Borexino coll.)Results From Borexino at
LNGS,Proceedings, 17th Lomonosov Conference on
Elementary Particle Physics, Moscow, Russia.
3. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide coll.) The Darkside-50 Experiment: a
Liquid Argon Target for Dark Matter Particles,
Proceedings, 17th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics,
Moscow, Russia.
4. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.) Improved measurement of 8B
solar neutrinos with 1.5 kt y of Borexino exposure,
5. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide coll.) The Electronics, Trigger and Data
Acquisition System for the Liquid Argon Time
Projection Chamber of the DarkSide-50 Search for Dark Matter,
6. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.) Limiting neutrino magnetic
moments with Borexino Phase-II solar neutrino data,
7. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.) First Simultaneous Precision
Spectroscopy of pp, 7Be, and pep Solar Neutrinos
with Borexino Phase-II, arXiv:1707.09279
8. C.E. Aalseth et al., (DarkSide coll.) DarkSide-20k: A 20 Tonne
Two-Phase LAr TPC for Direct Dark Matter Detection
at LNGS, arXiv:1707.08145
9. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide coll.) Simulation of argon response and
light detection in the DarkSide-50 dual phase
TPC, arXiv:1707.05630
10. Marco Battaglieri et al., US Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark
Matter 2017: Community Report, arXiv:1707.04591
11. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.) A search for low-energy
neutrinos correlated with gravitational wave events
GW150914, GW151226 and GW170104 with the Borexino detector,
12. V. Anastassopoulos et al., (TASTE Collaboration) Towards a
medium-scale axion helioscope and haloscope,arXiv:1706.09378
13. A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, A.M. Gangapshev et al., Recent results
of search for solar axions using resonant absorption by 83Kr nuclei,
Proceedings of 13th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs,
Thessaloniki, Greece, May (2017) arXiv 1711.
14. A.V. Derbin, S. V. Bakhlanov, I. S. Drachnev et al., Measurement of
144Pr beta-spectrum with Si(Li) detectors for the purpose of
the spectrum of electron antineutrinos,Proceedings of 13th Patras
on Axions,WIMPs and WISPs, Thessaloniki. Greece, May (2017), arXiv 1711.
15. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.) , Physics potential with
Borexino Phase-II data, WSPC Proceedings LP 2017
1. А.В.Дербин, Прямые поиски частиц темной материи, 51-я
Зимняя школа ПИЯФ по физике, март 2017.
2. Н.В. Пилипенко, Уровни электронных состояний интерфейса кремния с
нитридом алюминия, полученного реактивным магнетронным напылением, 18
Всероссийская молодежная конференция по физике полупроводников и
наноструктур, полупроводниковой опто- и наноэлектронике, декабрь 2016
г. С-Петербург.
3. Н.В. Пилипенко, Уровни электронных состояний интерфейса в
поверхностно-барьерных детекторах Au-AlN-(n-Si),
приготовленных методом реактивного магнетронного напыления на
переменном токе, 51-я Школа ПИЯФ по Физике Конденсированного Состояния,
11-16 марта 2017, Санкт-Петербург
4. A.V. Derbin, Measurement of 144Pr beta-spectrum with Si-detectors
for the purpose of determining the spectrum of electron
antineutrinos, 13th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs,
Салоники, Греция, 2017
5. V.N. Muratova, Search for solar axions using resonant absorption by
83Kr-nuclei, 13th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs
and WISPs, Салоники, Греция, 2017
6. I.S. Drachnev, Beta-spectrum measurements for 144Ce-144Pr, Borexino
General Meeting, Gran Sasso, Italy, June, 2017
7. I.S. Drachnev, Search for Low-Energy MeV Neutrinos correlated with
Gravitational Wave Events GW150914, GW151226 and
GW170104 with the Borexino Detector, Borexino General Meeting, Gran
Sasso, Italy, June, 2017
8. I.S. Drachnev, Review on solar neutrino studies with Borexino, 18th
Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle
Physics, Moscow, August, 2017
9. V.N. Muratova, Measurement of 144Prbeta-spectrum with
Si(Li)-detectorsin order to determine the electron antineutrinos
spectrum, conf. Recent developments in Neutrino Physics and
Astrophysics, L'Aquila, LNGS, Italy, September, 2017.
10. A.V. Derbin, A search for low-energy neutrinos correlated with
gravitational wave events GW150914, GW151226 and
GW170104 with the Borexino detector, conf. Recent developments in
Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, L'Aquila, LNGS,
Italy, September, 2017.
11. E.V. Unzhakov, Precision 144Pr spectrum measurement with Si(Li)
spectrometer, The 2nd International Conference on
Particle Physics and Astrophysics, МИФИ, октябрь 2017
12. E.V. Unzhakov, Search for resonant absorption of solar axions with
83Kr nuclei, The 2nd International Conference on
Particle Physics and Astrophysics, МИФИ, октябрь 2017
13. I.S. Drachnev, Beta-spectrum measurement for 144Ce-144Pr: status
update, Borexino General Meeting, Milan, Italy,
December, 2017
14. N.V. Pilipenko, Measurement of 144Ce-144Pr beta-spectra with
Si(Li)-detectors, Borexino General Meeting, Milan, Italy,
December, 2017
в журналах индексируемых Web of Science
1.S.V.Bakhlanov, N.V.Bazlov, A.V.Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, A.S.
Kayunov,V.N. Muratova, D.A.Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov,A measurement method
of a
detector response function for monochromatic electrons based on the
Compton scattering,Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A821 13 (2016)
2. S. Davini ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino coll.) New results of the
Borexino experiment: pp solar neutrino detection, Nuovo Cim. C38 no.4,
120, (2016)
3. P. Agnes ..¸ A.V. Derbin, V.N. Muratova,..D.A. Semenov, E.V.
Unzhakov et al.et al., (DarkSide coll.) The DarkSide project, JINST 11
no.02, C02051, (2016)
4. P. Agnes ..¸ A.V. Derbin,..V.N. Muratova,..D.A. Semenov, E.V.
Unzhakov et al., (DarkSide coll.)The veto system of the DarkSide-50
experiment, JINST 11, P03016, (2016)
5.S.Davini ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino coll.) CNO and pep solar
neutrino measurements and perspectives in Borexino, J.Phys.Conf.Ser.
675, no.1, 012040, (2016)
6. G. Ranucci ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino coll.) Overview and
accomplishments of the Borexino experiment, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 675 no.1,
012036, (2016)
7. L. Di Noto ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino-SOX coll.) The high precision
measurement of the 144Ce activity in the SOX experiment,
J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 675 no.1, 012035, (2016)
8. M. Durero ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino-SOX coll.) The 144Ce source
for SOX, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 675 no.1, 012032, (2016)
9. R. Roncin ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S.. Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino coll.) Geo-neutrino results
with Borexino, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 675, no.1, 012029, (2016)
10. O. Smirnov ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino coll.) Measurement of Solar
pp-neutrino flux with Borexino: results and implications,
J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 675, no.1, 012027, (2016)
11. A. Vishneva ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N.
Muratova,..D.A. Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov et al.,(Borexino coll.)
Measurement of Solar pp-neutrino flux with Borexino: results and
implications, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 675, no.1, 012025, (2016)
12. A. Caminata ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N.
Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino-SOX coll.)
Understanding the detector behavior through Montecarlo and calibration
studies in view of the SOX measurement, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 675no.1,
012032, (2016)
13. С. В. Бахланов, А. В. Дербин, И. С. Драчнев, А. С. Каюнов, В. Н.
Муратова, Д. А. Семенов, Е. В. Унжаков, Метод измерения функции отклика
детектора для монохроматических электронов, основанный на Комптоновском
рассеянии, Приборы и Техника Эксперимента, № 3, 13,
(2016)(Instrum.Exp.Tech. 59 no.3, 333(2016))
14. S. Zavatarelli ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N.
Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino coll.)
Recent results from Borexino and the first real time measure of solar
pp neutrinos, Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 273-275, 1753, (2016)
15. D. Bravo-Berguño ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N.
Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino-SOX coll.)
SOX: Short Distance Neutrino Oscillations with Borexino, Nucl. Part.
Phys. Proc. 273-275, 1764, (2016)
16, S. Davini ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V.
Unzhakov et al., (DarkSide coll.) A first walk on the DarkSide, Nucl.
Part. Phys. Proc. 273-275, 452, (2016)
17. T. Dafni ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. V.N. Muratova et al., (IAXO coll.) An
update on the Axion Helioscopes front: current activities at CAST and
the IAXO project. Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 273-275, 244, (2016)
18. A. Ianni ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino coll.) High significance
measurement of the terrestrial neutrino flux with the Borexino
detector, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 718, no.6, 062025, (2016)
19. G. Testera ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino coll.) Recent results from
Borexino, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 718, no.6, 062059, (2016)
21. M. Vivier ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino-SOX coll.) SOX: search for
short baseline neutrino oscillations with Borexino, J. Phys. Conf. Ser.
718, no.6, 062066, (2016)
22. N. Bazlov, N. Pilipenko, O. Vyvenko, I. Kotina et al., Structural
and electrical properties of AlN layers grown on silicon by reactive RF
magnetron sputtering, AIP Conference Proceedings 1748, 040004 (2016)
23. B. Rossi ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V.
Unzhakov et al., (DarkSide Coll.) The DarkSide Program, EPJ Web Conf.
121, 06010, (2016)
24. A. Caminata ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N.
Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino-SOX coll.)
Short distance neutrino oscillations with Borexino, EPJ Web Conf. 121
01002, (2016)
25. M. Pallavicini ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N.
Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino Coll.) First
real–time detection of solar pp neutrinos by Borexino, . EPJ Web Conf.
121, 01001, (2016)
26. L. Marini ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V.
Unzhakov et al., (DarkSide Coll.) Current status of the dark matter
experiment DarkSide-50, Nuovo Cim. C39 no.1, 247, (2016)
27. A. Caminata ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N.
Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino-SOX coll.)
Search for sterile neutrinos with the SOX experiment, Nuovo Cim. C39
(2016) no.1, 236
28. P. Agnes ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V.
Unzhakov et al., (DarkSide Coll.) Results from the first use of low
radioactivity argon in a dark matter search, Phys.Rev. D93 no.8,
081101, (2016)
29. M. Agostini, ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N.
Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino coll.),
Borexino’s search for low-energy neutrino and antineutrino signals
correlated with gamma-ray bursts, Astropart. Phys. 86, 11 (2017)
препринты и т.п.
A.Derbin, V.Muratova, et al.,(Borexino coll.) The Main
Results of the Borexino Experiment,arXiv:1605.06795
2. P. Agnes ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V.
Unzhakov et al., (DarkSide coll.)The veto system of the DarkSide-50
experiment, arXiv:1512.07896
3. P. Agnes ..¸ A.V. Derbin,..V.N. Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V.
Unzhakov et al., (DarkSide coll.) The Electronics and Data Acquisition
System for the DarkSide-50 Veto Detectors, arXiv:1606.03316
4. S.V. Bakhlanov, N.V. Bazlov, A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, A.S.
Kayunov, V.N. Muratova, D.A. Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov, A measurement
method of a detector response function for monochromatic electrons
based on the Compton scattering, arXiv:1604.04128
5. M. Agostini,..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S. Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova,..D.A.
Semenov,.. E.V. Unzhakov et al., (Borexino coll.) A search for
low-energy neutrino and antineutrino signals correlated with gamma-ray
bursts with Borexino, arXiv:1607.05649
6. P. Agnes ..¸ A.V. Derbin,..V.N. Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V.
Unzhakov et al., (DarkSide coll.), Effect of Low Electric Fields on
Alpha Scintillation Light Yield in Liquid Argon, arXiv:1611.00241v1
7. P. Agnes ..¸ A.V. Derbin,..V.N. Muratova,..D.A. Semenov,.. E.V.
Unzhakov et al., (DarkSide coll.), CALIS - a CALibration Insertion
System for the DarkSide-50 dark matter search experiment,
arXiv:1611.02750v1 (2016)
1. А.В. Дербин,Нобелевская премия по физике 2015 года,
ежегодные открытые Нобелевские чтения в Доме Ученых,С. Петербург,
февраль 2016 г. семинар .
2. А.В. Дербин, Эксперимент SOX: поиск осцилляций нейтрино в стерильное
состояние, Зимняя школа ПИЯФ по физике, март 2016.
3. А.В. Дербин, Нобелевские премии по физике 2015 года, Зимняя школа
ПИЯФ по конденсированному состоянию, март 2016.
4. А.В. Дербин, Экспериментальные поиски аксионов, семинар ОФВЭ,
октябрь, 2016, ПИЯФ НИЦ КИ
5. А.В. Дербин, Поиски частиц темной материи, Молодежный научный форум
«Open Science 2016», ноябрь, 2016, ПИЯФ НИЦ КИ
6. И.С. Драчнев, Borexino Solar Neutrino Detector, PAPAP - Particle
& Astroparticle Physics Autumn Programme, LNGS, October, 2016
7. Н.В. Пилипенко, Structural and electrical properties of AlN layers
grown on silicon by reactive rf magnetron sputtering, 5th International
Scientific Conference STRANN-2016, St. Petersburg, April, 2016
8. Л. Бородихина, А.В. Дербин, Update in antineutrinos from unknown
sources, Общее собрание коллаборации Борексино Borexino General
Meeting, Gran Sasso, June, 2016
9. Derbin A.V., Drachnev I.S, Muratova V.N., Unzhakov E.V., Spectral
study of neutrinos from 8B. Общее собрание коллаборации Борексино
Borexino General Meeting, Gran Sasso, June, 2016.
в журналах индексируемых Web of Science
1. Ю.М.Гаврилюк и др. Новый эксперимент по поиску резонансного
поглощения солнечных аксионов,излучаемых в М1-переходе ядра 83Kr.,
Письма в ЖЭТФ,т.101, вып. 10, с.739 (2015)
2. Yu. M. Gavrilyuk et al., First Result of the Experimental Search for
the 9.4 keV Solar Axion Reactions with 83Kr in the Copper Proportional
Counter, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 2015, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp.
3. P.Agnes et al., (DarkSide coll.) First results from the DarkSide-50
dark matter experiment at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Physics
Letters B 743 (2015) 456–466
4. L. Ludhova et al., (Borexino coll.) Geo Neutrinos and Borexino,
Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 2015, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 174–181
5. C. E. Aalseth et al., (DarkSide coll.) The DarkSide Multiton
Detector for the Direct Dark Matter Search, Advances in High Energy
Physics Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 541362, 8 pages
6. O. Smirnov et al., (Borexino coll.) Short Distance Neutrino
Oscillations with BoreXino: SOX, Phys. Procedia 61 (2015) 511-517
7. L. Miramonti et al., (Borexino coll.) Geo-neutrinos from 1353 Days
with the Borexino Detector, Phys.Procedia 61 (2015) 340-344
8. K.J. Vogel et al., (IAXO coll.) The Next Generation of Axion
Helioscopes: The International Axion Observatory (IAXO), Phys. Procedia
61 (2015) 193-200
9. M. Agostini, et al., (Borexino coll.) Spectroscopy of geo-neutrinos
from 2056 days of Borexino data, Phys. Rev. D 92, 031101 (2015)
10. L. Di Noto et al., (Borexino coll.) The SOX experiment in the
neutrino physics, Nuovo Cim. C038 (2015) 01, 36
11. L. Pagani et al., (DarkSide coll.) The DarkSide veto: muon and
neutron detectors, Nuovo Cim. C038 (2015) 01, 35
12. G. Bellini et al., (Borexino coll.) Neutrino measurements from the
Sun and Earth: Results from Borexino, AIP Conf. Proc. 1666 (2015) 090002
13. P. Mosteiro et al., (Borexino coll.) Low-energy (anti)neutrino
physics with Borexino: Neutrinos from the primary proton-proton fusion
process in the Sun, Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 265-266 87-92 (2015)
14. M. Agostini et al., (Borexino coll.) Test of Electric Charge
Conservation with Borexino, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 231802 (2015)
15. P. Agnes et al., (DarkSide coll.) Direct Search for Dark Matter
with DarkSide, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 650 (2015) 1, 012006
16. E. Ferrer Ribas et al., (IAXO coll.), The IAXO Helioscope, J. Phys.
Conf. Ser. 650 (2015) 1, 012009
17. A.S. Gogolev et al., Results of testing the energy dispersive Si
detector with large workingarea, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research B 355, 268 (2015)
препринты и т.п.
et al.,New limit on the
mass of 9.4-keV solar
axions emitted in
an M1 transition in 83Kr nuclei, arXiv: 1501.02944 v1 [hep-ex] 13 Jan
2. V.N. Muratova et al., Searches for axioelectric effect of solar
axions with BGO-scintillator and BGO-bolometer detectors, arXiv:
1501.02943 v2 [hep-ex] 14 Jan 2015
3. M. Agostini, et al., (Borexino coll.) Spectroscopy of geo-neutrinos
from 2056 days of Borexino data, arXiv:1506.04610
4. А.Х. Хусаинов и др. Анализатор спектров рентгеновского и
гамма-излучения на основе CdTe p-i-n детекторов – «РАДИАНТ», Препринт
5. O. Smirnov et al., (Borexino coll.) Measurement of neutrino flux
from the primary proton--proton fusion process in the Sun with Borexino
detector, arXiv:1507.02432
6. P. Mosteiro et al., (Borexino coll.) Low-energy (anti)neutrino
physics with Borexino: Neutrinos from the primary proton-proton fusion
process in the Sun, arXiv:1508.05379
7. M. Agostini, et al., (Borexino coll.) A test of electric charge
conservation with Borexino, arXiv:1509.01223
8. P. Agnes et al., Low radioactivity argon dark matter search results
from the DarkSide-50 experiment, arXiv:1510.00702
9. A. V. Derbin, I. S. Drachnev, E. N. Galashov, V. N. Muratova, S.
Nagorny, L. Pagnanini, K.Schaeffner, L. Pattavina, S. Pirro, D. A.
Semenov, E. V. Unzhakov,Tm-Containing Bolometers for Resonant
Absorption of Solar Axions, Proceedings of the 11th Patras"Workshop on
Axions, WIMPs and WISPs
PATRAS2015 June 22-26, 2015, Zaragoza, Spain
1. А.В. Дербин, Эксперименты с солнечными нейтрино, Зимняя
школа ПИЯФ,
2. A.V. Derbin, Searches for solar axions using the resonant absorption
by 169Tm and 83Kr nuclei. 11th Patras workshop on axions, WIMPs and
WISPs, 30 Jun, Zaragoza, Spain
3. A.V. Derbin, V.N. Muratova, Searches for high energy solar axions
and heavy sterile neutrinos with the Borexino detector, LNGS Seminar
Series, April 2015, Gran Sasso, Italy
4. A.V. Derbin, V.N. Muratova, The Borexino experiment, LHC2015 - The
Third Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics, 30 Aug-3 Sept., St.
Petersburg, Russia
5. E. Unzhakov, Searches for resonant absorption of solar axions with
Tm-containing bolometer, LNGS Seminar Series, November 2015, Gran
Sasso, Italy
6. V. Litichevskyi, S. Bakhlanov, ZnSe scintillating bolometer with
ionization readout - a new approach for particle discrimination
technique, LNGS Seminar Series, November 2015, Gran Sasso, Italy.
в журналах индексируемых Web of Science
1. А.В. Дербин, Эксперименты с солнечными нейтрино, УФН 184
(2014) 555
2. G. Bellini..¸ A.V. Derbin,... V.N. Muratova et al., (Borexino Coll.)
Neutrinos from the primary proton–proton fusion process in the Sun,
Nature 512 (2014) 7515, 383
3. G. Bellini..¸ A.V. Derbin,... V.N. Muratova et al., (Borexino Coll.)
Final results of Borexino Phase-I on low-energy solar neutrino
spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. D 89, 112007 (2014)
4. G. Bellini..¸ A.V. Derbin,... V.N. Muratova et al., (Borexino Coll.)
Solar and geoneutrino physics with Borexino, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A742,
250 (2014)
5. A.V. Derbin, L. Gironi, S.S. Nagorny, L. Pattavina, J.W. Beeman, F.
Bellini, M. Biassoni, S. Capelli, M. Clemenza, I.S. Drachnev, E. Ferri,
A. Giachero, C. Gotti, A.S. Kayunov, C. Maiano, M. Maino, V.N.
Muratova, M. Pavan, S. Pirro, M. Sisti, D.A. Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov
Search for axioelectric effect of solar axions using BGO scintillating
bolometer, Eur.Phys.J. C74 (2014) 3035, arXiv:1405.3782
6. N. Rossi, G. Bellini..¸ A.V. Derbin,... V.N. Muratova et al.,
(Borexino Coll.) The Borexino Experiment: Recent results and future
plans, Nuovo Cim. C037 (2014) 119
7. G. Ranucci, G. Bellini..¸ A.V. Derbin,... V.N. Muratova et al.,
(Borexino Coll.) Low energy neutrinos, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 31
(2014) 1460285
8. E. Armengaud, ..¸ A.V. Derbin,.. I.S.. Drachnev,.. V.N. Muratova et
al., Conceptual Design of the International Axion Observatory (IAXO),
JINST 9 (2014) T05002, arXiv:1401.3233
9. Yu.M. Gavrilyuk, A.M. Gangapshev, A.V. Derbin, V.V. Kazalov, H.J.
Kim, Y.D. Kim, V.V. Kobychev, V.V. Kuzminov, Luqman Ali, V.N. Muratova,
S.I. Panasenko, S.S. Ratkevich, D.A. Semenov, D.A. Tekueva, S.P.
Yakimenko, E.V. Unzhakov, First result of the experimental search for
the 9.4 keV solar axion reactions with Kr-83 in the copper proportional
counter, . arXiv:1405.1271
10. D. D'Angelo, G. Bellini..¸ A.V. Derbin,... V.N. Muratova et al.,
(Borexino Coll.) Recent Borexino results and prospects for the near
future, arXiv:1405.7919
11. G. Bellini..¸ A.V. Derbin,... V.N. Muratova et al., (Borexino
Coll.) Borexino: recent solar and terrestrial neutrino results and
description of the SOX project, Proceedings European Physical Society
Conference on High Energy Physics, PoS EPS-HEP2013 (2014) 529-537
12. O. Smirnov..¸ A.V. Derbin,... V.N. Muratova et al., (Borexino
Coll.) Solar neutrino with Borexino: results and perspectives,
13. P. Agnes, .., A.V. Derbin,.., V.N. Muratova, D.A. Semenov, E.V.
Unzhakov et al., (DarkSide coll.) First Results from the DarkSide-50
Dark Matter Experiment at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso,
14. G. Bellini..¸ A.V. Derbin,... V.N. Muratova et al., (SOX Coll.)
Search for Sterile Neutrinos with the Borexino Detector, Proceeding of
Particles and Nuclei International Conference, PANIC 2014
15. M. Agostini,…, A.V. Derbin,... V.N. Muratova et al., (SOX Coll.)
SOX : Short Distance Neutrino Oscillations with Borexino, Nucl. Phys. B
Proc. Suppl. (2014)
16. А.С. Гоголев, Д. Хампай, М.П. Жуков, А.Х. Хусаинов, С.Б. Дабагов,
А.П. Потылицын, А.С. Лысаков, Исследование характеристик кремниевого
энергодисперсионного детектора с большой площадью чувствительной
области, Известия вузов. Физика, n. 11, c. 278 (2014)
17. Данишевский А.М., Котина И.М.,Коньков О.И., Теруков Е.И., Тухконен
Л.М, Фоточувствительность кремниевых аморфно-кристаллических структур с
инверсионным каналом, Письма ЖТФ т.40 в.9 стр.72 (2014)
18. Котина И.М., Данишевский А.М., Коньков О.И., Теруков Е.И., Тухконен
Л.М., Сбор фотоносителей в высокоомных кремниевых
аморфно-кристаллических структурах, ФТП т.48 в.9 стр.1198 (2014).
1. А.В. Дербин, Поиски частиц темной материи, XLVII Зимняя
школа ПИЯФ, март, 2014
2. V. N. Muratova, Search for axioelectric effect of solar axions using
BGO- and Si- detectors, The 10th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and
WISP 29 June 4 July 2014, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
3. A. V. Derbin, Search for solar axions using resonant absorption by
7Li-, 57Fe-, 169Tn- and 83Kr-nuclei, The 10th Patras Workshop on
Axions, WIMPs and WISP 29 June 4 July 2014, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
4. A. V. Derbin, V. N. Muratova, Searches for solar axions using
axioelectric effect in atoms and resonant absorption by nuclei, Seminar
LNGS INFN, Gran Sasso, 30 October, 2014
5. А.В. Дербин, Поиск солнечных аксионов и использованием реакции
аксиоэлектрического эффекта в атомах и резонансного поглощения в ядрах,
Семинар кафедры ядерно-физических методов исследования, СПбГУ, 27
октября, 2014
6. Н.В. Базлов, И.М. Котина, Л.М. Тукхонен, П.В. Щукарев, Влияние
химической обработки на электрофизические характеристики высокоомного
кремния, ХХVI Всероссийский симпозиум «Современная химическая физика»,
Туапсе, 20 сентября-1октябя (2014)
7. Е.В. Унжаков от коллаборации DarkSide, Эксперимент DarkSide,
Международная сессия-конференция Секции ядерной физики ОФН РАН, "Физика
фундаментальных взаимодействий", МИФИ, 17-21 ноября (2014)
8. А.С. Каюнов, С.В. Бахланов, А.В. Дербин, В.Н. Муратова, Д.А.
Семенов, Е.В. Унжаков, Поиск солнечных аксионов 5.5 МэВ с помощью
аксиоэлектрического эффекта. Международная сессия-конференция Секции
ядерной физики ОФН РАН, "Физика фундаментальных взаимодействий", МИФИ,
17-21 ноября (2014)
9. А.М.Данишевский, И.М.Котина, О.И.Коньков, Е.И.Теруков, Л.М.Тухконен,
Особенности фоточувствительности аморфно-кристаллических гетероструктур
на высокоомном кремнии, IX Международная конференция «Аморфные и
микрокристаллические полупроводники» 7 июля-1 августа 2014, С.Петербург
Derbin, S.V. Bakhlanov, I.S.
Dratchnev, A.S.
Kayunov,V.N.Muratova, Search for axioelectric effect of 5.5 MeV solar
axions using BGO detectors, Europ. Phys. J. C73 (2013) 2490
2. A.V. Derbin, I.S. Dratchnev, A.S. Kayunov, V.N. Muratova, D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov, Search for solar axions produced by Compton
process and bremsstrahlung using the resonant absorption and
axioelectric effect, contributed to the 9th Patras Workshop on Axions,
WIMPs and WISPs, Mainz, June 24-28, (2013), arXiv:1312.0187
3. Borexino Collaboration ( G. Bellini, … A. Derbin, I. Dratchnev,...V.
Muratova,…) New limits on heavy sterile neutrino mixing in 8B-decay
obtained with the Borexino detector, accepted for publication Phys.
Rev. D 88, (2013) 072010. (Corresponding authors A. Derbin,
4. Borexino Collaboration (G. Bellini, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
Measurement of geo-neutrinos from 1353 days of Borexino, Phys. Lett.
B722 (2013) 295-300
5. Borexino Collaboration (G. Bellini, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
Lifetime measurements of 214Po and 212Po with the CTF liquid
scintillator detector at LNGS, Eur. Phys. J. A 49 (2013) 92
6. Borexino Collaboration (G. Bellini, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
Solar neutrino results from Borexino, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. (2013)
7. Borexino Collaboration (G. Bellini, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
Recent results and future development of Borexino, Nucl. Phys. Proc.
Suppl. (2013) 55-60
8. Borexino Collaboration (G. Bellini, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…) SOX:
Short distance neutrino Oscillations with BoreXino, JHEP 1308 (2013)
9. Borexino Collaboration (G. Bellini, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
Cosmogenic Backgrounds in Borexino at 3800 m water-equivalent depth,
JCAP 1308 (2013) 049
10. Borexino Collaboration (G. Bellini, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
Neutrinos from the sun and from radioactive sources, Nucl. Phys. Proc.
Suppl. (2013) 77-81
11. Borexino Collaboration (G. Bellini, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
Study of Solar and Geo-Neutrinos with the BOREXINO Detector,
10.1142/9789814436830_0038, Proceedings 15th Lomonosov Conference on
Elementary Particle Physics, p.173-176
12. Borexino Collaboration (A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…et al., ) Study of
the Rare Processes with the BOREXINO Detector,
DOI:10.1142/9789814436830_0037, Proceedings 15th Lomonosov Conference
on Elementary Particle Physics, p.173-176
13. Borexino Collaboration (G. Bellini, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
Final results of Borexino Phase-I on low energy solar neutrino
spectroscopy, arXiv:1308.0443 (2013)
14. Borexino Collaboration (G. Testera, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
Solar and geo neutrinos in Borexino: summary of the Phase-I
measurements and recent results,
Proceeding of Science, XV workshop on Neutrino Telescopes (2013)
15. Borexino Collaboration (M. Pallovicini, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
The SOX project: a search for sterile neutrino with BoreXino,
Proceeding of Science, XV workshop on Neutrino Telescopes (2013)
16. Borexino Collaboration (L. Ludkhova, … A. Derbin,…V. Muratova,…)
Solar neutrino results with Borexino I, arXiv:1308.0443 (2013) PoS
ICHEP2012 (2013) 392
17. DarkSide Collaboration (… A. Derbin, I. Dratchnev,...V. Muratova,…
D. Semenov,...E. Unzhakov et al.,) Light yield in DarkSide-10: A
prototype two-phase argon TPC for dark matter searches, Astroparticle
Physics 49 (2013) 44–51
18. DarkSide Collaboration (T. Alexander A. Derbin, I. Dratchnev,...V.
Muratova,… D. Semenov,...E. Unzhakov et al.,) DarkSide search for dark
matter, JINST 8 (2013) C11021
19. IAXO Collaboration (Biljana Laki,...A.V. Derbin, ...I. Dratchnev,
V.N.Muratova,…) IAXO - the Future Axion Helioscope, proceedings of 9th
Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, 24 - 28 June 2013, Mainz
20. I.G. Irastorza,..,.A.V. Derbin,..., et al., IAXO - The
International Axion Observatory, arXiv:1302.3273 (2013)
21. I.G. Irastorza,.., A.V. Derbin,.., et al., Future axion searches
with the International Axion Observatory (IAXO), J. Phys. Conf. Ser.
460 (2013) 012002.
1. Дербин A. В.,Драчнев И. С., Каюнов А. С., Муратова В. Н.,
Ограничения на константу связи аксиона с электроном для солнечных
аксионов, возникающих в результате тормозного излучения и
комптоновскогопроцесса. Письма ЖЭТФ,т.95. вып.7, с. 379-384 (2012).
2. Derbin A. V., Kayunov A. S., Muratova V. N., Search for neutrino
oscillations at a research reactor, arXiv:1204.2449 (2012).
3. Abazajian K. N., .., Derbin A. V.,.. , Muratova V. N., et al., Light
Sterile Neutrinos: A White Paper, arXiv:1204.5379(2012).
4. Derbin A. V., Drachnev I.S., Kayunov A. S., Muratova V. N., Search
for solar axions produced by Compton process and bremsstrahlung using
axioelectric effect, arXiv:1206.4142(2012).
5. Акимов Д. Ю.,…., Дербин А.В.,.., (Коллаборация РЭД) Аппаратурный
комплекс по измерению отклика жидкого аргона для ядер отдачи низких
энергий на реакторе МИФИ, Ядерная физика и инжиниринг, том 3, № 6, с.
490–495 (2012).
6. Дербин A. В., Бахланов С.В., Драчнев И. С., Каюнов А. С., Муратова
В. Н. Поиск солнечных аксионов с энергией 5.5 МэВ, возникающих в
реакции p +d → 3He +A, принято в журнал Ядерная физика (2013).
7. Дербин A. В., Каюнов А. С., Муратова В. Н., Поиск осцилляций
нейтрино на исследовательском реакторе (проект POSEIDON), принято в
журнал Ядерная физика (2013).
8. Derbin A., Kayunov A., Muratova V., Semenov D., Unzhakov E., A
Search for the Resonant Absorption of Solar Axions by Atomic Nuclei,
Proceedings of the 7th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs,
edited K. Zioutas and M.Schumann, p. 112-115 (2012).
9. Derbin A.V and Muratova V.N. for Borexino coll., Search for 5.5 MeV
Solar Axions Produced in p(d; 3He)A Reaction with Borexino Detector,
Proceedings of the 7th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs,
edited K. Zioutas and M. Schumann, p. 112-115 (2012).
10. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), First evidence of pep solar neutrinos by direct detection
in Borexino, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 051302 (2012).
11. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Absence of day-night asymmetry of 862 keV Be-7 solar
neutrino rate in Borexino and MSW oscillation parameters , Physics
Letters B707, 22 (2012).
12. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Cosmic-muon flux and annual modulation in Borexino at
3800 m water-equivalent depth, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle
Phys., 5, 015 (2012), arXiv:1202.6403 (2012).
13. Akimov D., …, Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova V.N. et al., Light Yield in
DarkSide-10: a Prototype Two-phase Liquid Argon TPC for Dark Matter
Searches, arXiv:1204.6218 (2012).
14. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Solar neutrino physics with Borexino I, proceedings to
Moriond 2012 EW session, arXiv:1205.2989 (2012).
15. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Borexino calibrations: Hardware, Methods, and Results,
arXiv:1207.4816 (2012).
16. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Lifetime measurements of 214Po and 212Po with the CTF
liquid scintillator detector at LNGS, arXiv:1212.1332 (2012).
17. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Measurement of CNGS muon neutrino speed with Borexino,
arXiv:1207.6860 (2012).
18. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Kayunov
A.S.,.. Muratova V.N. et al.), Search for Solar Axions Produced in
$p(d,\rm{^3He})A$ Reaction with Borexino Detector, Physical Review D
85, 092003 (2012).
19. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Seasonal modulation in the Borexino cosmic muon signal,
Proceedings of ICRC 2011 conference, arXiv:1109.3901 (2012).
20. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), The Recent Results of the Solar Neutrino Measurement in
Borexino, Proceedings of the Recontres de Moriond EW session 2011,
arXiv:1106.3055 (2012).
21. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Solar neutrino results with Borexino, Proceedings of
Science, 36th International Conference on High Energy Physics,
Melbourne, Australia (2012).
22. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Solar and Terrestrial Neutrino Results from Borexino,
Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. v. 229-232, 74 (2012).
23. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Measurement of the solar 8B neutrino rate with 3 MeV
energy threshold in the Borexino detector, Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl.
v. 229-232, 533 (2012).
24. Котина И.М., Ласаков М.С., Коньков О.И., Козлов С.М., Тухконен
Л.М., Терентьева А.И., Датчик водорода на основе кремниевой МДП
структуры с нанотолщинным диэлектриком из аморфного нитрида алюминия,
Сб. "Аморфные и микрокристаллические полупроводники" стр.319-320
Труды 8-ой Международной конференции "Аморфные и микрокристаллические
полупроводники". г.С-Петербург , (2012).
25. Котина И.М., Ласаков М.С., Коньков О.И., Козлов С.М., Тухконен
Л.М., Механизм водородной чувствительности кремниевой МДП структуры с
нанотолщинным диэлектриком из нитрида алюминия, "Современная химическая
физика", сб. аннотаций XXIV-ой конференции, г.Туапсе,
20сентября-1октября, (2012).
26. Новиков Ю.Н., Васильев А.А., Гусев Ю.И., Нестеренко Д.А., Попов
А.В., Селиверстов Д.М., Селиверстов М.Д., Хусаинов А.Х., Блаум К.,
Елисеев С.А., Херфурт Ф., Блок М., Воробьев Г.К., Ёкинен А., Родригес
Д., Явор М.И., Прецизионные измерения короткоживущих ядер методами
развитых систем ионных ловушек высокозарядных ионов (проект MATS)
Атомная энергия т. 112, стр. 117 -124 (2012).
1.Derbin A.V., Kauynov A.S.,Muratova V.N., Semenov D.A.,
Unzhakov E.V. , Constraints on the axion-electron coupling for solar
axions produced by Compton process and bremsstrahlung, Phys. Review,
D83, p. 023505, (2011).
2. Дербин А.В., Муратова В.Н., Семенов Д.А., Унжаков Е.В., Новое
ограничение на массу солнечных аксионов с энергией 14.4 кэВ, излучаемых
в М1-переходе ядер 57Fe, Ядерная Физика, Т. 74, №4, c. 620-626, (2011).
3. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Study of solar and other unknown anti-neutrino fluxes
with Borexino at LNGS, Phys. Letters, B696, 191, (2011).
4. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Precision Measurement of the 7Be Solar Neutrino
Interaction Rate in Borexino, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 141302 (2011).
5. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Muon and Cosmogenic Neutron Detection in Borexino,
Journal-ref: JINST 6:P05005, (2011).
6. Дербин А.В., Каюнов А.С., Муратова В.Н., Антонов Н.Е., Драчнев И.С.,
Новые ограничения на константу связи аксиона с электроном для аксионов,
возникающих в результате тормозного излучения и комптоновского процесса
на Солнце, препринт ПИЯФ, 2865, 3-15, 2011.
7. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), First evidence of pep solar neutrinos by direct detection
in Borexino, . arXiv:1110.3230 Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.., (2011).
8. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), The Recent Results of the Solar Neutrino Measurement in
Borexino. arXiv:1106.3055, Proceedings of the Recontres de Moriond EW
session 2011.
9. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Absence of day-night asymmetry of 862 keV Be-7 solar
neutrino rate in Borexino and MSW oscillation parameters , .
arXiv:1104.2150, accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett., (2011)
10. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Search for solar axions produced in the $p(d,\rm{^3He})A$
reaction with Borexino detector , Submitted to Physical Review D (2011).
11. Derbin A., Kayunov A., Muratova V., Semenov D., Unzhakov E., A
Search for the Resonant Absorption of Solar Axions by Atomic Nuclei,
DESY, proceeding of the Axion-WIMP-WISP- 2011 workshop, June 2011.
12. Derbin A.V and Muratova V.N. for Borexino coll., Search for 5.5 MeV
Solar Axions Produced in p(d; 3He)A Reaction with Borexino Detector,
DESY, proceeding of the Axion-WIMP-WISP- 2011 workshop, June 2011.
13. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.), Precision measurement of the 7Be solar neutrino flux and
its day-night asymmetry with Borexino, proceeding of TAUP conference in
Munich, September 2011.
14. Derbin A., Fomenko K. for Borexino coll., Study of rare processes
with the Borexino detector, 15th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary
Particle Physics, Proceedings will be published by World Scientific
Publ. Co., Singapore., 2011.
15. Derbin A., Fomenko K. for Borexino coll., Study of rare processes
with the Borexino detector, workshop "Speakable in quantum mechanics:
atomic, nuclear and subnuclear physics tests", Trento, Italy,
Proceedings will be published, 2011 .
16. Болоздыня А.И., .. , Дербин А.В., Драчнев И.С., , Муратова В.Н.,
(Коллаборация РЭД) , Проект эмиссионного детектора на жидком
благородном газе для наблюдения редких процессов рассеяния /нейтрино и
частиц темной материи на атомных ядрах, Научная сесия НИЯУ МИФИ – 2011.
Актуальные проблемы физики ядра, частиц, астрофизики и космологии,
Москва, 2011.
17.Акимов Д.Ю.…… Дербин А.В., , , Муратова В.Н., Эксперимент по
измерению отклика жидкого ксенона для ядер отдачи низких энергий на
реакторе , ИРТ МИФИ, Научная сесия НИЯУ МИФИ – 2011. Актуальные
проблемы физики ядра, частиц, астрофизики и космологии, Москва, 2011.
18. А.В. Дербин, А.С. Каюнов, В.Н. Муратова , Поиск осцилляций нейтрино
на исследовательском реакторе, научная сессия-конференция секции ЯФ ОФН
РАН «Физика фундаментальных взаимодействий» , Москва, (2011).
19. А.В. Дербин, А.С. Каюнов, В.Н. Муратова, Е.В. Унжаков, Д.А.
Семенов, Поиск резонансного поглощения солнечных аксионов атомными
ядрами , научная сессия-конференция секции ЯФ ОФН РАН «Физика
фундаментальных взаимодействий», Москва, (2011).
20. А.В. Дербин, А.С. Каюнов, В.Н. Муратова,С.В. Бахланов, И.С. Драчнев
,Поиск солнечных аксионов в реакции p+d3He+A , научная
сессия-конференция секции ЯФ ОФН РАН «Физика фундаментальных
взаимодействий», Москва, (2011).
1. А.В. Дербин, Первые результаты эксперимента
Борексино, Ядерная Физика, т. 73, №11, сс.1987-9993 (2010). Physics of
Atomic Nuclei, v. 73, №11, pp.1935-1941 (2010). ,
2. A.В. Дербин, К.А. Фоменко, Новые экспериментальные ограничения на
вероятности непаулевских переходов в ядре 12С, полученные на детекторе
Борексино, Ядерная Физика, т. 73, №12, (2010). Physics of Atomic
Nuclei, v. 73, №12, pp. (2010).
3. А.В. Дербин, А.С. Каюнов, В.Н. Муратова, Поиск солнечных аксионов,
возникающих в реакции p+d→3He+A. Известия РАН, серия физическая, т.74,
№6, сс. 848-853 (2010). Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
Physics, Vol. 74, No. 6, pp. 805–810 (2010).
4. А. В. Дербин, С. В. Бахланов, А. И. Егоров, И. А. Митропольский, В.
Н. Муратова, Д. А. Семёнов, Е. В. Унжаков, Поиск солнечных аксионов,
возникающих в результате эффекта Примакова, с помощью резонансного
поглощения ядрами 169Tm, Известия РАН, серия физическая, т.74, №4, сс.
514-519 (2010). Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics,
Vol. 74, No.4, pp. 481–486 (2010).
5. А.В. Дербин, В.Н. Муратова, Д.А. Семенов, Е.В. Унжаков, Новое
ограничение на массу солнечных аксионов с энергией 14.4 кэВ, излучаемых
в М1-переходе ядер 57Fe, Ядерная Физика, 74, (2011).
6. A.V. Derbin, A.S. Kauynov, V.N. Muratova, D.A. Semenov, E.V.
Unzhakov, Constraints on the axion-electron coupling for solar axions
produced by Compton process and bremsstrahlung, Phys. Rev. D83, 023505
(2011) arXiv:1101.2290.
7. A.V. Derbin, A.S. Kauynov, V.N. Muratova, Search for 5.5 MeV solar
axions produced in p(d,3He)A reaction. arXiv:1007.3387 [hep-ex] (2010).
8. A.V. Derbin, A.S. Kayunov, V.N. Muratova, D.A. Semenov, E.V.
Unzhakov, New limits on the axion-electron coupling for solar axions
produced by bremsstrahlung process, 60 international conference on
nuclear physics ’Nucleus 2010”, book of abstracts, St.Petersburg, p.247
9. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)., Observation of Geo-Neutrinos Physics Letters v. B687,
pp.299-304 (2010). arXiv:1003.0284
10. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)., New experimental limits on the Pauli forbidden
transitions in $^{12}$C nuclei obtained with 485 days Borexino data,
Physical Review C v.81, p.034317 (2010) arXiv:0911.0548
11. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)., Study of solar and other unknown anti-neutrino fluxes
with Borexino at LNGS, Phys. Lett. B696 191 (2011) arXiv:1010.0029,
12. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.). Results from the Borexino experiment. Acta Phys.Polon.
v.B41, pp.1603-1610 (2010).
13. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.). The Borexino detector: Methodology for a large-scale low
background liquid scintillator, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A
v.617, pp.488-491 (2010).
1. A.V. Derbin, S.V.Bakhlanov, A.I. Egorov,I.A.Mitropolsky,
V.N. Muratova, D.A. Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov, Search for Solar Axions
Produced by Primakoff Conversion Using Resonant Absorption by 169Tm
Nuclei. Physics Letters v.B678, pp.181-185,(2009), arXiv:0904.3443
2. A.V. Derbin, A.I. Egorov, I.A. Mitropolsky, V.N. Muratova, D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov,
Search for Resonant Absorption of Solar Axions Emitted in M1 Transition
in 57Fe Nuclei. European Physical Journal, v.C62, pp.755-760,
(2009), arXiv:0906.0256
3. A.V. Derbin, A.I. Egorov, I.A. Mitropolsky, V.N. Muratova, D.A.
Semenov, E.V. Unzhakov,New limit on axion-photo coupling for Primakoff
axion.59 international meeting on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear
’Nucleus 2009”, book of abstracts, Cheboksary, p.189 (2009)
4. A.V. Derbin, A.S. Kauynov, V.N. Muratova,
Search for 5.5 MeV solar axions produced in p(d,3He)A reaction. 59
international meeting on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure
’Nucleus 2009”, book of abstracts, Cheboksary, p.202 (2009)
5. А.В. Дербин, А.С. Каюнов, В.Н. Муратова,Поиск солнечных аксионов,
возникающих в реакции p+d→3He+A. препринт ПИЯФ N2804 (2009)
6. Borexino collaboration (Alimonti G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,The Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del
Gran Sasso.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods A v. 600. pp. 568-593 (2009)
7. Borexino collaboration (Alimonti G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,The liquid handling systems for the Borexino solar
detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A v. 609. pp. 58-78 (2009)
8. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,Solar neutrino results from Borexino and main future
Proceedings of the RICAP 2009 workshop, arXiv:0910.3367 (2009)
9. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).Borexino: low energy solar neutrinos and beyond,
Rencontres de Blois, Blois, France (2009)
10. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)Low energy solar neutrino signal in Borexino, Proceedings
Neutrino Telescopes, Venezia, Italy (2009)
11. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)Measurement of 7Be and 8B solar neutrinos with Borexino,
Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d Aoste, La Thuile, Aosta Valley,
Italy (2009)
12. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).200 days of Borexino data. Nuclear Physics B (Proc.
Suppl.) v.188
pp.90–95, (2009)
13. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)Measurement of the solar 8B neutrino flux down to 2.8 MeV
Borexino, Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) v.188 pp. 127-129, (2009)
14. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)Results from the Borexino experiment after 192 days of
Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Vulcano’08,
Italy (2008), J. Conference Proceeding v. 98 (2009)
15. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)New experimental limits on the Pauli forbidden transitions
in $^{12}$C nuclei obtained with 485 days Borexino data.
16. А.М. Иванов, Н.Б Строкан, И.М. Котина, Л.М. Тухконен и др.
Апробация туннельных МДП-структур на р-кремнии в качестве детекторов
ядерных частиц. Письма в ЖТФ, т.35, с.41-48 (2009)
1.Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin
A.V.,...,Muratova V.N.et al.).,Search for solar axions emitted in the
M1-transition of Li-7* with Borexino CTF. European Physical Journal, v.
C54, p. 61-72, (2008).
2. Borexino collaboration (Arpesella C.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)., First real time detection of 7Ве solar neutrinos by
Physics Letters v. B658 p. 101-108, (2008).
3.Borexino collaboration (Arpesella C.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,Direct Measurement of the Be-7 Solar Neutrino Flux with
192 days of
Borexino Data. Physical Review Letters v. 101, p.091302-1-6, (2008).
4. Borexino collaboration (Arpesella C.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,New results on solar neutrino fluxes from 192 days of
Borexino data.
arXiv:0805.3843, p. 1-6, (2008).
5. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,Measurement of the solar 8B neutrino flux with 246 live
days of
Borexino and observation of the MSW vacuum-matter transition. arXiv:
0808.2868 p. 1-8, (2008).
6. Borexino collaboration (Alimonti G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,The Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del
Gran Sasso. //
arXiv:0806.2400, p. 1-4, (2008).
7. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,
The first year of Borexino, // the proceeding of “Heavy Quarks and
Leptons 2008”, Melbourne, p. 1-5, (2008).
8. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,
Borexino. // proceeding of 12th International Workshop on Neutrinos
Telescopes: Twenty Years after the Supernova 1987A Neutrino Bursts
Discovery, Venice, Italy, published in “Venice 2007, Neutrino
telescopes”, p. 69-76, (2008).
9. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,
New Results on solar neutrino fluxes from 192 days of Borexino data. //
proceeding of “Neutrino 2008”, New Zealand, Christchurch, p. 1-6,
10. Borexino collaboration (Back H.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova V.N.
et al.).,
Pulse-shape discrimination with the counting test facility. // Nuclear
Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, v. A584, p. 98-113,
11. Borexino collaboration (Ranucci G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)., Results and perspectives of the solar neutrino
experiment Borexino. // ICHEP08, Philadelphia, USA, arXiv: 0810.0176,
p. 1-5, (2008).
12. Borexino collaboration (Pallavicini M.,..., Derbin A.V.,...,
Muratova V.N. et al.).,
Scintillator purification, detector performance and first results from
Borexino. // Journal of Physics, conf. ser. v. 120 p. 052017-9, (2008).
13. Borexino collaboration (Bellini G.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.).,
First results on 7Be solar neutrinos from the Borexino real time
detector. // Journal of Physics, conf. ser. v. 120 p. 052006-13, (2008).
14. Borexino collaboration (Back H.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova V.N.
et al.).,
Study of phenylxylylethane (PXE) as scintillator for low energy
neutrino experiments. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research v. A585, p. 48-60 (2008).
А.В.,Егоров А.И.,Митропольский И.А., Муратова В.Н.,
Базлов Н.В., БахлановС.В., Семенов Д.А., Унжаков Е.В., Поиск
резонансного поглощения аксионов, излучаемых при М1-переходе в ядрах
57Fe на Солнце. Письма ЖЭТФ 2007, т.85, с.15-20.
2. Дербин А.В., Егоров А.И., Митропольский И..А., Муратова В.Н.,
Поиск резонансного поглощения солнечных аксионов атомными ядрами,
Известия РАН, сер. физ. 2007, т.71, вып.6, c. 859-868.
3. Derbin A.V., Bakhlanov S.V., Bazlov N.V., Egorov A.I., Mitropolsky
I.A., Muratova V.N., Semenov D.A., Unzhakov E.V., Search for resonant
absorption of solar axions emitted in the M1-transition of 57Fe 57
международная конференция по проблемам ядерной спектроскопии и
структуре атомного ядра. Сборник тезисов,Воронеж, 2007, с. 254.
4. Derbin A.V., Bakhlanov., S.V., Bazlov N.V., Egorov A.I., Mitropolsky
I.A., Muratova V.N., Semenov D.A., Unzhakov E.V.,Search for solar
axions produced by Primakoff conversion using resonant absorption by
169Tm nuclei. 57 международная конференция по проблемам ядерной
спектроскопии и структуре атомного ядра. Сборник
тезисов, Воронеж, 2007, с. 255.
5. Borexino collaboration (Back H.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova V.N.
et al.).Response to the critics of Borexino result in ''A New
experimental limit for the stability of the electron''
by H.V.Klapdor-Kleingrothaus,I.V. Krivosheina and I.V. Titkova.
e-Print:hep-ex/0703044 (2007).
6. Borexino collaboration (Back H.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova V.N.
et al.)Measurement of the cosmogenic C-11 background with the Borexino
Counting Test Facility. AIP Conf. Proc. 897, p.111, (2007).
7. Derbin A., Ianni A., Smirnov O., Comment on the statistical analysis
in "A new experimental limit for the stability of the electron" by H.V.
Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, I.V.Krivosheina and I.V. Titkova , arXiv:
0704.2047 [hep-ex] (2007).
8. Borexino collaboration (Arpesella C.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova
V.N. et al.)Borexino, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 168, p. 111, (2007).
9. Borexino collaboration (Back H.,..., Derbin A.V.,..., Muratova V.N.
et al.).
Pulse-shape discrimination with the counting test facility., Nucl.
Inst. Meth. A 584 (2008) 98 – 113.
10. Borexino collaboration (Back H.,..., Derbin A.V.,. et al.)
Study of phenyl xy lylethane (PXE) as scintillator for low energy
neutrino experiment. Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 585 (2008) p.48 – 60.